interesting trailer.
I don't care who leads the country (race, sex, etc), but I do care that we are heading towards communism and we are all going to be in the poor house! I want to keep what I earn and use it as I wish, not pay for those who don't earn their keep and waste money on leisure instead of priorities.
There should be drug test before any government welfare is given out, PERIOD.
Military men/women and their families should be taken care of and looked up to, they are the heart of what made America.
Today's youth seems to be a younger generation of 70's liberal hippy's. No respect for authority or willingness to earn what they want. Everyone expects things to be given to them and if not, they are being treated unfair and the people doing well should share the wealth. Its a transition, in the wrong direction. Like a slow train wreck...
I'm 28, and don't like where I see my future going. Not because of my choices, but because of the governing bodies and their followers.
I could go on and on, but most of you on here feel the same way so it's preaching to the choir. :thumb: