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  1. 05' Ditry Duramax

    lift or leveling kit

    Cheap would be a leveling kit and some trimming
  2. 05' Ditry Duramax

    Talk about over-reacting...

    no problem
  3. 05' Ditry Duramax

    lift or leveling kit

    It can be done with a leveling kit but a better method would be to lift it with a 6" kit.
  4. 05' Ditry Duramax

    Talk about over-reacting...

    BTW, Bhaner videos are from 2 years ago. His truck put's down a fairly clean 809 HP. As clean as a cummins can be running a Smarty. On another note. The guys who drive Cummins don't have the advantage of programming like we do with the Dmax. Right now the Smarty is king for them and that's...
  5. 05' Ditry Duramax

    Talk about over-reacting...

    Calm down, its the internet:hug:
  6. 05' Ditry Duramax

    Talk about over-reacting...

    Dude STFU I never once said it was cool. I never said I wanted to be like them or worship them. The regulation stuff was on it's way reguardless. Your a ****ing idiot for thinking it was these guys' fault. Go drink more KOOL AID.......
  7. 05' Ditry Duramax

    Talk about over-reacting...

    I never said you where suposed to know anything. I don't want to argue that that what he did was justified or right or not stupid. It was foolish and maybe shouldn't have happened. Was in anyone put in danger? NO. Did people complain or call the cops? NO. Have other people done worse? YES...
  8. 05' Ditry Duramax

    Talk about over-reacting...

    Camo can be bag of tools, I have no argument about that LOL. Byron is different. It' wasn't either of them that did the username thing. I promise you that. Camo would call 911 if you pulled down his street. He's done it to other people.
  9. 05' Ditry Duramax

    Talk about over-reacting...

  10. 05' Ditry Duramax

    Talk about over-reacting...

    I would agree as well. I don't agree with the behavior myself. I tell them that, sometimes. I don't think that personally attacking a guy that you've never met or talked to is productive either. It really ****ing piss' me off that a few guys want to talk about a very good friend of mine.
  11. 05' Ditry Duramax

    Talk about over-reacting...

    It was a dead end street that one of our buddies lives on. All the neighboors were cool with it. We kncoked on there doors and told them we were going to do it. They knew what was going on. It happens every time we go over there now. Do I agree with the other guys doing it everytime? NO, I...
  12. 05' Ditry Duramax

    Talk about over-reacting...

    You don't have any idea what your talking about. He's the nicest guy you would ever meet. You guys need to shut your mouth because you don't even know who he is. If youe ever met him, all of you would be eating your words.
  13. 05' Ditry Duramax

    Talk about over-reacting...

    You should come back over and visit you POS bitch::hello: We miss you there, it's not nearly as fun without you:rofl:
  14. 05' Ditry Duramax

    Comments on my "Baby Rat" sticker.....briefly

    Good story!!! I get them all the time sitting on I-5
  15. 05' Ditry Duramax

    Binding/rubbing sensation while turning??? (LMM)

    Did you take it to the dealer? I would assume they told you nothing is wrong and now you want the TSB to prove them wrong?
  16. 05' Ditry Duramax

    Smarty tuner ( please dont throw anything!)

    ATS has fully built trans that are available to the public already. The new Smarty has some issues but Bob is aware of these and Marco is working on them with a few people. Right now, there is nothing better than a smarty for a cummins.
  17. 05' Ditry Duramax

    Question: anyone clean that thing on the bottom of hood?

    Take it off. You can't clean that thing
  18. 05' Ditry Duramax

    LBZ: Showed the truck a little love....

    Truck looks good!!!! That's how my truck repays me too........
  19. 05' Ditry Duramax


    The straight trucks are easier to deal with. It's kinda tough to get the tractor trailors thru the check points. I was with 21 CTC out of Ft. Lweis, Washington. I was in Balad from 10/05- 10/06. I spent most of my time traveling around country fixing MHE at a lot of bases. My company was...