Search results

  1. 05' Ditry Duramax

    Help: any one find a good inside cargo light?

    I don't have the Recon ones but a friend with a PowerJoke does and they are pretty bright. I would give them a try.
  2. 05' Ditry Duramax

    Business is Business

  3. 05' Ditry Duramax


    You know what? If some one came in my office and told me to take the flag down. I would have simply stated "no" and continued doing whatever it is I was doing....
  4. 05' Ditry Duramax

    Check this out....

    OMG.... what ever happened to natural selection?
  5. 05' Ditry Duramax

    Anyone else get a kick out of the readers rides section?

    I laughed my ass off when I seen that.
  6. 05' Ditry Duramax

    Anyone else get a kick out of the readers rides section?

    I think flipping thru that section is straight up comedy just about every time. The one truck that really sticks out in my mind and was the last straw with me was a yelow and blue Dodge from Idaho. It was by the ugliest truck i've ever seen and it got a full write up on it...
  7. 05' Ditry Duramax

    remote start

    Thank you
  8. 05' Ditry Duramax

    remote start

    I have a question because i'm curious. Sorry for the OT Is the programing in the BCM for the remote start?
  9. 05' Ditry Duramax

    remote start

    does it do it every time you use the remote start? OR just when you fire it up for the first from sitting over night?
  10. 05' Ditry Duramax

    remote start

    Stealer? Maybe there's a way to set the time delay with a Tech 2? IDK, just trying to throw some ideas out there.
  11. 05' Ditry Duramax

    Can't get in Chat

    Didn't log in automaticaly. I typed it out completely again and still didn't log me in
  12. 05' Ditry Duramax

    Can't get in Chat

    It wanted me to log in. It let me type in my complete screen name and password but wouldn't log in.
  13. 05' Ditry Duramax

    Can't get in Chat

    So I found it. Tried to log in. It wouldn't let me type in my complete too long dumb ass screen name that is lame and spelled wrong. I couldn't log in......:rofl:
  14. 05' Ditry Duramax

    Can't get in Chat

    There's a chat? I might have to try and find it....
  15. 05' Ditry Duramax

    Smarty tuner ( please dont throw anything!)

    That is what the guys preffer if they don't like the Smarty.
  16. 05' Ditry Duramax

    Talk about over-reacting...

  17. 05' Ditry Duramax

    Talk about over-reacting...

    Yep, we stick together, get used to it....
  18. 05' Ditry Duramax

    Talk about over-reacting...
  19. 05' Ditry Duramax

    lift or leveling kit

    no problem. There's plenty of help here