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  1. 05' Ditry Duramax

    Help: LLY Lost All Boost

    Might be the vane sensor. I'm not sure how you could check it without logging it. Someone will know and help you out.
  2. 05' Ditry Duramax

    Stage 4 Issues

    That was a long time ago. He was pretty butt hurt over the whole deal. I'm glad you got things straightened out for him. Do you remember anything about the converter? I can't remember if he had Sun Coast cut and clean it.
  3. 05' Ditry Duramax

    Stage 4 Issues

    Are you getting the hard shifts? Seems to me that was his biggest complaint.
  4. 05' Ditry Duramax

    Rear mount fuel tank part #

    I still can't believe GM only put a 26 gal tank in these trucks, anyway. Thanks for the info. I wasn't looking for another option but this thread came up and figured i'd ask some questions. I'll prolly get the Titan tank whenever I get around to it. I have to get a lift pump first and hopefully...
  5. 05' Ditry Duramax

    How not to build twins......

    Wow:rofl::rofl::rofl: I kinda feel bad but that's a horrible job.
  6. 05' Ditry Duramax

    Stage 4 Issues

    Jeff hasn't been around in awhile. He had Mike rebuild the trans. I hope Mike could chime in on what happened.
  7. 05' Ditry Duramax

    Rear mount fuel tank part #

    Thanks. I know my short bed is 26gal. I was looking at getting a bigger tank like the Titan or something similar. Sounds like a lot of fab work and plumbing to make it work though.
  8. 05' Ditry Duramax

    Stage 4 Issues

    Okay, so totally different but there's some good info in the thread. It's long but might be worth a read. I'm just putting some ideas out there and trying to help.
  9. 05' Ditry Duramax

    Stage 4 Issues

    Jeff (WSU Cowboy) was having the same issue plus a few different ones. His convertor was refreshed and that seemed to fix things. He is running a 1057. His truck was at 500HP all the time. His last dyno was dyno 550ish. I'll see if I can find the thread for you.
  10. 05' Ditry Duramax

    Allison 5sp: Transmission Autopsy after 1100+hp

    I don't know of too many guys that got it right the first time. I would say you have done a great job and got really damn close. For you to fire that thing up and make some shake down runs then hit 146mph, I would say that is a serious accomplishment. I've enjoyed the build sitting here in my...
  11. 05' Ditry Duramax

    Rear mount fuel tank part #

    What size is the GM tank?
  12. 05' Ditry Duramax

    fed up!!

    Get your 60 foot down like everyone else said. Don't try and launch at boost#, try launching at a certain RPM. you will be more consistent. You'll have to make a lot of passes and get the truck dialed in. It's obvious you will have to make more power to run the number you want just because you...
  13. 05' Ditry Duramax

    Allison 5sp: Transmission Autopsy after 1100+hp

    I'm impressed with how things look. I would have to imagine the weight of your truck will allow the hard parts to last slightly longer than in a DD. Anything can happen at your power level though. Good Luck!!
  14. 05' Ditry Duramax


    LMAO!! Have fun!!
  15. 05' Ditry Duramax

    Mike L style hood stack

    I miss laughing at all of the dudes laying on their stomach because they just got their "back side" all stitched up LMAO!! Sick ****ers.....
  16. 05' Ditry Duramax

    new look to the truck

    I say yes on the mirrors but they will get rock chips on them also. That might be a deciding factor.
  17. 05' Ditry Duramax

    New Billet Flywheel from SoCalDiesel

    All my questions got answered. I didn't even have to post them this time LOL.
  18. 05' Ditry Duramax

    Report Cards

    That's great:rofl::rofl::rofl:
  19. 05' Ditry Duramax

    Question: Best programmer

    EFI Live It will take some time learning it but once you get it down, it's the best thing going. Buy a DSP5 switch and some gauges. The greatest part about EFI is that you can make the changes that YOU want. You don't get 3 tunes that you can never change. If you add something to the truck...
  20. 05' Ditry Duramax

    New slicks and rims

    It has come a long way. Looks wicked!!