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  1. jgt1982

    Noob from PA

  2. jgt1982

    southern Tn pull

    Its about five weeks out guys and as far as rules i will post something up this week for who ever would like to know it would be nice to meet a few y'all
  3. jgt1982

    Help: rims

    Thanks for the help
  4. jgt1982

    Help: rims

    I have a guy that wants to trade me his rims off his 09 for my 02 and i just wanna make it wull work
  5. jgt1982

    southern Tn pull

  6. jgt1982

    southern Tn pull

    I hope to see a few more duramax there
  7. jgt1982

    southern Tn pull

  8. jgt1982

    southern Tn pull

    First pull around the house is march 23 in lynnville tn for anyone thats looking pull
  9. jgt1982

    Local shops

    I think it would be great for guys like myself who are all over the place and need aomeone that they can trust
  10. jgt1982

    the out come on 650-700hp

    Well guys we got it all put on and keep the hp under 650 and the tq at 1100 i will have picture posted up this week i would like to say THANK YOU to all you for the input on this
  11. jgt1982

    What did you get for xmas?

    Well i got the fleece s366
  12. jgt1982

    the out come on 650-700hp

    i am looking down the road.and to me its better to be safe than sorry
  13. jgt1982

    the out come on 650-700hp

    well guys the s366 fleece made it in today along with the head studs and the top end gasket set the tranny was built last weekend. all the part are coming in and i am down here in keys working just a update for you
  14. jgt1982

    the out come on 650-700hp

    You know this makes two time you put something on my post that is uncall for if you dont like what post then thank you for your help and by pass my post from now on
  15. jgt1982

    the out come on 650-700hp

    how many company do you guys know of ? that will take a week off and go on a big hunting trip and will make over night orders happen for you from a deer stand (Punisher Performance) will big thank you to tyler at punisher performance on all my parts :woott::woott:
  16. jgt1982

    happy birthday thanks for all the info

    happy birthday thanks for all the info
  17. jgt1982

    the out come on 650-700hp

    hey check out my other post when i was asking about what it would take
  18. jgt1982

    the out come on 650-700hp

    true but i am thinking about later on down the road maybe a full build later on:driving:
  19. jgt1982

    the out come on 650-700hp

    tyler at punisher performance will doing the tuning this time .i have robs tunes as of rite now . we are going to keep the hp 650 and under dont really wanna push it that much . video and picture will be posted and you all can check them out punisher performance .com thanks for the input guys...
  20. jgt1982

    the out come on 650-700hp

    alltop end gasket,suncoast tranny,fleece s366w/billet wheel ,ppe dual fueler,head studs, 50hp injectors air dog lift pump banks ram air i am thinking about keeping it at 650 hp . if you all dont mind let me know weather its the wrong way of doing it thanks