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    "Diesels in Dark Corners III" Sled pull Nov. 9th

    Looks like it but I got the keys to your truck..... Where's Todd at? Probably scared Kyles 6.0 is gonna beat him!:roflmao:
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    "Diesels in Dark Corners III" Sled pull Nov. 9th

    “Diesels In Dark Corners III” Diesel Event at Liberty Truck and Tractor Pull Track in White Plains, GA on November 9th Show and Shine with Prizes for best Ford, Chevy, Dodge and Ladies Truck. Sign up will start at 11am . Free Entry! No Dyno this year. Gates Open at 10am Saturday, Nov. 9th...
  3. 0

    Best Price on CP3?

    Wow your buddy isn't sharing the discount with you on glow plugs! Unless prices are diff where you're at.
  4. 0

    Automotive Lifts

    What's y'all's thoughts on challenger lifts?
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    LLY: LLY loping at idle

    I'm saying mine quit loping after I installed the lift pump!
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    LLY: LLY loping at idle

    Mine loped until I put the air dog on. It stopped after that. Running 12 psi too!
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    Invalid Serial Number!!!! HELP PLease

    Went through the scan tool to see the vin. It had some crazy lettering in the current vin spot. So, apparently somehow it got corrupted. Thank you sir for your help!
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    Invalid Serial Number!!!! HELP PLease

    Yeah trans tune went in flawlessly!
  9. 0

    Invalid Serial Number!!!! HELP PLease

    I haven't tried to log this truck! However I did flash in his new trans tuning! It worked flawlessly! I have never had a problem flashing this truck until now. We had to do a theft reset because it sat it so long will injs were out. Could that have anything to do with it? I am pulling fuses too
  10. 0

    Invalid serial number.

    Did you ever come up with a fix? Im up to date from what I can tell and I have the same exact problem!
  11. 0

    Invalid Serial Number!!!! HELP PLease

    I am trying to flash a truck that I have previously flashed many of times with my V2! It says: Script exited with code $0534: Invalid Serial Number My firmware is 2.07.39 Please any info on correcting this would be greatly appreciated. Thanks
  12. 0

    LB7 or LLY

    My lly hates to be tuned 95% of the time. Other than that I like it. Well.... I still cant read the tcm for some reason. Anybody want to help me figure that out feel free to pm me! :thumb:
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    Anybody in GA?

    Madison, GA
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    EFI Live Tuning Guru's, I need help!

    My lly was a nightmare and still can be at times. I have to disconnect the batteries for a few just about every time I wanna load a new tune. Took me all day once to get it tuned. Pulled fuses and made sure I was up to date on firmware. I can't read my TCM now. Maybe it just dont like a ford guy...
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    POLL-Help me out guys!

  16. 0

    $0101 No data recieved need help!!!

    I've had that error before and I disconnected the v2 from laptop and truck and disconnected the batteries in the truck. Hooked them back up and it worked.
  17. 0

    First Hook.....

    Haha! I just saw this and you are right Todd. It's rumored he might be getting closer.
  18. 0

    First Hook.....

    Hahaha! You will probably laugh and shake your head just like everybody else has! Is it Nov. yet?
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    First Hook.....

    Atleast you have your priorities right! I may even have a little surprise for you then! And No its not that 6.0! See you then!:thumb:
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    Mustang Dyno hurt my feelings....

    Hank! Just bringing this back up to remind you that you SUCK! hahaha:roflmao::rofl::spit: