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    Happy Birthday Mike L.!!

    Happy birthday Mike! You know you're old when you sit in a rocking chair and can't get it going! :D

    Worthless lowered truck

    Looks like 360 if they're double wide .

    Worthless lowered truck

    X 1 million!

    Most awesome DIY engine stand ever

    It is nice real nice and HD but think about it . He must be bored as if he isn't building motors for a living how often is he going to roll that Caddy out? He builds his BBC for his Rat Rod then push it over in the corner and it collects dust! Or maybe he builds GREAT engine stands and...

    Steering stabilizer missing???

    Try having or driving a Dodge with out one! My friends 99 4x4 Ram stabilizer went and he had a death wobble scared the shit right out of him . He drove home on the shoulder at lucky if he hit 40 MPH from LIC NY! :D At the time he had NO clue what was wroung except the shock was spent . Oily...

    LML False alarm

    Makes you wonder if the alarm installer shorted out the BCM ,they aren't known to just go bad

    realistic motor build costs...

    For the record I wasn't doubting you. I'm glad that you shared the info along with being amazed of the strength of the stock crank.

    Hearse vs Deuce and Half

    What the :confused: !!

    Non Duramax electrical gremlin

    So far SO GOOD! Just thought I'd let those know who have helped me! :thumb:
  10. MACKIN

    Yet another Electrical Non Dmax Gremlin!

    Have not had a chance to look into this yet!
  11. MACKIN

    Yet another Electrical Non Dmax Gremlin!

    Ok thanks as you can tell electrical isn't my forte! :D
  12. MACKIN

    Yet another Electrical Non Dmax Gremlin!

    Thank you that should help ! One question about the back feed how will I know? Also a FYI I have a D.U.I. Distributer which is basically a GM HEI! I'm going to check the connections to make sure they are correct! What boggles my mind is EVERYTHING was FINE working PERFECT up till I changed...
  13. MACKIN

    Yet another Electrical Non Dmax Gremlin!

    Sounds like that is my problem to the tee! Yes it looks similar but not exact. Part numbers The alternator I think I need or I believe it came off my Jeep and it worked but had bad bearings what I can find on it for numbers is : 1105652 43 08 346 61 78 AMP The one that is on there and NOT...
  14. MACKIN

    Yet another Electrical Non Dmax Gremlin!

    I know Diddly Squat about alternators well maybe a little but not enough to tell you what style alternator I have. If you can explain how to tell I'll surely give any info I can to solve this issue at hand. Thing is It was FINE until I swapped in this alternator and had to extend the field...
  15. MACKIN

    Yet another Electrical Non Dmax Gremlin!

    Really I mean what the Hell! :mad: Perhaps one of you smart fellers can help me out! On my Jeep I convrted to what they call one wire GM alternator been that way for quite some time now, Well the alternator went bad and it's not like yoy can go to the autoparts store and get a replacement as...
  16. MACKIN

    Man keys luxury cars at dealership

    Very odd! Older guy ? Perhaps payback? I could see someone younger this guy looks to be in his sixtys. Not saying it's ok just odd
  17. MACKIN

    Non Duramax electrical gremlin

    Can you believe I'm still battling this? :angel: What happened it got cold so it was starting but as soon as the temps hit 70 it reared it's ugly head! So all fall and winter it clicked off and ran like a champ ,a champ this car could never be but a champ nonetheless! So fast forward on a...
  18. MACKIN

    How do you get 3M tape off paint?

    One of those aftermarket usually smoked color plastic piece that goes on the outside window to deflect wind when the window(s) are open. They are held on by tape. I never cared for them myself Heat gun and prep sol to remove glue residue
  19. MACKIN

    Funny Ass Diesel Video!

    I don't think he washed his hands after going poop, that's nasty!