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  1. PACougar

    1/4 mile discussion and time slips post here!

    You guys can suck it. Try 2wd. Lol. I've been trapping low 130's for years and I won't be on this list.
  2. PACougar

    Allison 5sp: Just buy Suncoast C3 and C4 clutches

    Call them, they'll sell you whatever you need.
  3. PACougar

    Socal 9200 cam

    By all means the, you'll probably love it.
  4. PACougar

    420's or Proxes

    I have st2's that are a few years old on my ext. cab, they were great for about two years and now they're slick as ice with tons of tread left.
  5. PACougar

    Socal 9200 cam

    Based on how I dislike the 9100 on the street, you'd hate it unless it was being used for competition only.
  6. PACougar

    lowered truck pics

    Oh yeah, the notch is definitely a necessity for heavy towing.
  7. PACougar

    lowered truck pics

    At the time I still had my overloads.
  8. PACougar

    lowered truck pics

    You'll be more than fine, I towed 15k with the same kit. Lol.
  9. PACougar

    Failure Brainstorm/Brainfart

    Definitely not with the stock valve train.
  10. PACougar

    Where to buy a Tech II

    :roflmao: It's too bad for your boss, they work great. I also have a knockoff SDS(Mercedes diagnostics) and it can actually do more than the dealers. lol.
  11. PACougar

    Dynoing the Nira ECM

    It's wierd how you claim you lifted and lost speed in the back half. I always you gain speed after you lift:D
  12. PACougar

    Dynoing the Nira ECM

  13. PACougar

    Dynoing the Nira ECM

    I've never seen someone talk about how they almost completed a run:roflmao: I almost feel like we all have a responsibility to contact a mental health professional and have Greg committed for his own safety.
  14. PACougar

    LB7: over heat problem

    Don't let it up shift.
  15. PACougar

    Where to buy a Tech II

    As far as I've been able to tell, it does it all.
  16. PACougar

    Where to buy a Tech II Yes, it's Chinese. Works great.
  17. PACougar

    BT lock box

    I know, it's like making sure the power cord is plugged in. :roflmao:
  18. PACougar

    BT lock box

    Press the lock button.
  19. PACougar

    LB7: over heat problem

    Just to make sure, have you verified it's not your gauge cluster.
  20. PACougar

    LB7: over heat problem

    What rpm do you turn while climbing these grades and do you hear your clutch fan engage? Also what temperatures are you seeing?