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  1. CentolaCCSB

    Automotive "terms" and fads that make you cringe

    Bringing this back... Im sure youve all been asked this but Had someone ask me today if i like to roll coal. Simply replied no...
  2. CentolaCCSB

    "Diesel bros"

    Just farted now, got the ole' side elbow from her. Not as amused as I was :roflmao:
  3. CentolaCCSB

    2007 Sierra LBZ build

    Hahaha yeah i just saw that after I posted, felt like an idiot haha.
  4. CentolaCCSB

    2007 Sierra LBZ build

    Beautiful truck! Must be nice to live where salt and sand doesnt eat away at every inch of metal :mad:
  5. CentolaCCSB

    New to the offset world

    -12 or 0... I have 20x10 -12 and i have about an inch inch-and a half or so poke in the back but more up front because of how it taperes more towards the front. Also depends on wheel size 10,12,14 correct me if im wrong someone
  6. CentolaCCSB


    Just drive it and forget about it right?:thumb:
  7. CentolaCCSB

    Tow mirror glass

    Gotcha, thank you
  8. CentolaCCSB

    Tow mirror glass

    Just wondering how the hell the lower blind spot glass come out of the mirror. I know how to remover the bigger section of glass that has the directional but unsure of the lower piece. Dont wana break it anyone ever do this?
  9. CentolaCCSB

    Stack kit

    :roflmao: alright thanks dudes
  10. CentolaCCSB

    Stack kit

    Well just trying to get some outside views on people who have stack kits weather its a single or double how they like it. None of my buddies have a stack so cant get an opinion from them. anyone regret having them? cab noise get annoying on long trips? Any views appreciated
  11. CentolaCCSB

    Help: Andy-Stevenson

    Things beat... But on your end did you ask to see pics of all angles before purchasing?
  12. CentolaCCSB

    Cab mounts???

    Ive had my bilsteins for about a year maybe a little longer and its starting to ride like ass again, dont mean to derail thread here.
  13. CentolaCCSB

    Cab mounts???

    Would this apply for shocks like bilstein or fox rancho etc? Or just like gabriels and that other stuff
  14. CentolaCCSB

    Shell casing bottle opener

    Saw this on shark tank, company was called bottle breacher. Still badass tho
  15. CentolaCCSB

    DRL delete

    I remember seeing this a looooong time ago. If you go to your wire cluster that plugs to the bcm under the steering colum you cut two wires and out a certain size resistor between them to trick the photo-eye on your dash thinking its dark. Try google
  16. CentolaCCSB

    Fuel supply hardline replace w/ AirDog2 hose

    Thats a good idea, the hose was long enough to do so?
  17. CentolaCCSB

    Another noob to the forum

    Nice lookin rig :thumb:
  18. CentolaCCSB

    2008 duramax whistle ?

    Lol theres such a thing?? :roflmao:
  19. CentolaCCSB

    Washing black paint

    I'll give it a shot. Any special way to apply and remove? I always apply wax with applicator pad and remove with microfiber cloth all by hand
  20. CentolaCCSB

    Washing black paint

    So that 885 wax you apply and let sit for a few minutes then take off?