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  1. MMLMM

    8594 os

    theres one in the tune lib here for everyone else wondering. I think its a 34gal tank though so dont forget to adjust.
  2. MMLMM

    Apple I PAD ?

    its not a PC.... Its basically an itouch. Oversized and overpriced. The only reason it will do well is because of all the iXxxxx bandwagon weirdos, but its pretty much pointless IMO. it cant do what a laptop can do, but its too big to be an itouch. More like iFail Look at the price, why are...
  3. MMLMM

    Happy Birthday Cindy from EFILive!!

    Happy Birthday and Anniversary! Have a good time! :hug: :coolspot:
  4. MMLMM

    Can a mod from DP contact me...

    Its cool. I know theres plenty of you that spend alot of time here :D thats why I posted it lol, and emailing admin you dont get anything for days lol
  5. MMLMM

    Can a mod from DP contact me...

    lost my password over there and my email address on file is something like F :confused: A mod has contacted me though. :thumb:
  6. MMLMM

    Can a mod from DP contact me...

    PM Please
  7. MMLMM


    any update on collection? eh...:spit:
  8. MMLMM

    LLY: My Pre Runner D-Max

    sweet. So vids of that 9k machine flying thru the air will be posted sometime :D :thumb:
  9. MMLMM

    LLY: My Pre Runner D-Max

    you are getting 18" of travel in the rear with springs? I noticed there not stock springs too.
  10. MMLMM

    LLY: My Pre Runner D-Max

    is it stock rear suspension? I cant see anythig coming thru the bed to the support. Or is the support for the coolers only? Also what are the coolers cooling (engine coolant? if so, how is it working? and did you ditch the front radiator and such?) Nice. EDIT: I should read your sig :o:D
  11. MMLMM

    Lol, Got it cleared out

    Lol, Got it cleared out
  12. MMLMM

    LMM Fubar.

    :confused::rolleyes: who are you?
  13. MMLMM

    LMM Fubar.

    :eek: thats not good man. It doesnt seem like a tune like that would cause your issue. However, they can easily say cause it was tuned it happened. It would be a tough fight to win that one.
  14. MMLMM

    Pilot dies, pass. lands plane

    That would be C.W. McCall, or Bill fries. ;)