Search results

  1. mmangels22

    Used Glock 17 worth $475?

    show me where you can find a used glock in 97 % condition for under 400 bucks.
  2. mmangels22

    Question: The Gerbil Club

    That does not look like a gerbil^^^^ :rofl:
  3. mmangels22

    Calling out Trent

    I thought Absinthe was only something Europeans sold to tourists.
  4. mmangels22

    We have lost one of our own - Fat_Robi

    My condolences to his family, its always hard to lose a loved one :(
  5. mmangels22

    Question: GM monitoring sites

    Well sounds about right, Speedpro (From DP) said that the lawyer for GM had printed pages of DP when he went to file a suit for his engine and (this is public info I am not repeating private stuff). That is some scary stuff when they peek into everything about you. Thankfully I divulge very...
  6. mmangels22

    Question: GM monitoring sites

    damn spammers
  7. mmangels22

    Question: The Gerbil Club

    apparently i am now a member:thumb: works for me.
  8. mmangels22

    Question: GM monitoring sites

    It has come to my attention recently that GM may or may not be actively monitoring truck sites. I am curious to why and if they are not why was I lied to.
  9. mmangels22

    Question: The Gerbil Club

    What is the Gerbil Club, is somebody obssessed with gerbils? Or is it rated R?
  10. mmangels22

    different size batteries

    So they run all the electronics on one battery? It seems like something would overload in the long run, maybe you get some time out of it but its like doing holeshots with the tuner maxed out its only a matter of time before something goes bad. I am not an engineer but I did stay at a holiday...
  11. mmangels22

    We have lost one of our own - Fat_Robi

    Wow don't know what to say.
  12. mmangels22

    Info: I am newbie..

  13. mmangels22

    Question: Is it suspose to be that small?

    bit torrent is one of the greatest inventions of the 21 century.
  14. mmangels22

    Ride in Newlys truck

    Who couldn't forget Tommy Tutone? What was the thread about again?
  15. mmangels22

    Who's Elk Hunting this year

    Looks good Larry! Last pic it looks like the elk was talking to you as if it was a Mr Ed look a like. My pics from the hunting trip only involve snow and my buddy holding a 30/30 win. Maybe next year.
  16. mmangels22

    I have found the worst job in the world...

    Tom I thought you were going to say being POTUS. But yeah mudding/texturing is a messy job tedious too.
  17. mmangels22

    Fast CTS-V & OnStar

  18. mmangels22

    Used Glock 17 worth $475?

    Yep that sounds like a pretty good deal too.
  19. mmangels22

    Info: How to Build a 10 Second Dmax:

    The HD tie rods are pretty good stuff. My fabtech ones haven't worn out yet, or bent.
  20. mmangels22

    Calling out Chevy1925 (James)

    sick! we need more lifted trucks racing these days.