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  1. D

    Did you all know this?

    Jeromy's doin good. Spent the day with him today. Thank yall for all the prayers and please keep em comin.
  2. D

    Did you all know this?

    Went to see Jeromy today and it was the most amazing thing! We were talkin to him about his kids and he opened both eyes and tried so very hard to look at the pics of them on the wall. I pulled one of them down and brought it closer to him so that he could see it and he just stared at it. I was...
  3. D

    Did you all know this?

    They got Jeromy to Texarkana just a little while ago and r gettin him settled in! Yay!!!!:hug:
  4. D

    Did you all know this?

    Jeromy's mom text me a little while ago to tell me that they r moving Jeromy to a nursing home in our town. He'll be moved Monday. Yay!!!! Can't wait to have him closer to all of us so that we can all spend more time with him. :nana:
  5. D

    Did you all know this?

    Jeromy's mom says that he's doin good today. He was resting when I talked to her and she was waiting to talk to his case manager about getting him placement in a long term care center. We are really hoping for placement close to home so that we can all go see him more. <!-- / message --><!-- sig...
  6. D

    Did you all know this?

    Jeromy's mom said that he is doin good today and that he seems to be tryin to reach for something. He's keeping his hands open instead of tightly closed like normal. New things everyday and thank GOD for them!!!!!!!
  7. D

    Did you all know this?

    Well everyone, Jeromy is doin great. Spent all day with him. He opened his eyes several times for me, fought me on doing his range of motion exercises, and tried pulling out his catheter and his peg tube. I washed his feet and rubbed lotion on them for him and since I'm a massage therapist he...
  8. D

    Did you all know this?

    I knew that there was another site that he got on but couldn't remember the name until today. Found it in an email he had sent me about all the stuff I'm supposed to do to get the website back up and running, he sent it the day before the wreck and so I have barely gotten to anything on it. LOL...