Search results

  1. Bullets&Whitewalls

    Headlight flasher controller

    Yeah I bought it used from a local dealer just over a year ago. I've tried all my factory switches to see if it would do anything but got nothing. I traced the wires and it is still connected into the harness and the diagram I pulled of the net doesn't show controls. I heard the previous owner...
  2. Bullets&Whitewalls

    Headlight flasher controller

    So I was under my truck today and I noticed a Whelen uhf2150a bi directional headlight controller. It appears to be hooked up but I can't figure out what controls it. Any ideas? I've searched the net but only found one YouTube vid that showed a switch but I don't have anything in my truck...
  3. Bullets&Whitewalls

    Need help with garage wiring.

    Is your impact oiled? I usually find mine starts having issues when she needs a little lube.
  4. Bullets&Whitewalls

    Need help with garage wiring.

    Thank you for that I appreciate it! :o:thumb:
  5. Bullets&Whitewalls

    Need help with garage wiring.

    When checking your fla remember the service factor rating needs to be addressed as well on the compressor. At its unload point it can be in the sf rating. Generally home units have a 1.0 so it will be what the nameplate says but if it's 1.15 or possibly different it will be slightly higher...
  6. Bullets&Whitewalls

    EGT monitoring

    I will definitely give them a look as im not stuck on a particular brand :)
  7. Bullets&Whitewalls

    EGT monitoring

    I like how those match color wise, what lighting and series did you use?
  8. Bullets&Whitewalls

    EGT monitoring

    I've had a bad one before as well, but I have had issues with S&W VDO and classic instruments too. I know there's gonna be a bad one here and there with all of them.
  9. Bullets&Whitewalls

    Hello again from woodland ca.

    Been up here Since the early 80's I love it here.
  10. Bullets&Whitewalls

    Hello again from woodland ca.

    Thanks guys
  11. Bullets&Whitewalls

    EGT monitoring

    I've always liked auto meter stuff so that's good to hear. I just searched the install methods and I think my truck already has the hole from the previous owner. The dealer took everything off he installed.
  12. Bullets&Whitewalls

    EGT monitoring

    Hey guys I did a search but didn't find what I was looking for yet so I'm gonna ask, I'm still a newb to the Duramax world I've had my truck just over a year and love it. Aside from lift tires and re geared it is stock. I was wanting to be able to monitor my EGT and don't really know where to...
  13. Bullets&Whitewalls

    Hello again from woodland ca.

    Hey everyone. Just saying hello again as I re registered because it's been so long I couldn't remember my log in name or password. Great site lots of great knowledge on here. Looking forward to learning more about my truck from all you guys. I am a compressor tech by trade. I work for Quincy...