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  1. chevy_dmax

    dumb attorneys

    Did you pass the bar...:rofl::rofl:
  2. chevy_dmax

    Question: CB radio question

    x2...Decent radio, peaked and tuned at shop and very good antenna. Never dealt with Bells, but looked there and hear lot about them. The reference to 10 or 11 meter is the length of a full sign wave compared to the speed of light, these are known as "bands". The speed of light (300,000.000...
  3. chevy_dmax

    Greasing Your Ball

  4. chevy_dmax

    Greasing Your Ball

    Required? by who? ;) I do this still, every once in a while I will just coat my ball (:rolleyes:) with thin layer of grease, especially if I pull someone elses trailer, who has never even seen a grease gun. I learned it from my dad. I believe it helps, there is quite a bit of force at...
  5. chevy_dmax

    helium and beer pong

    I alway thought there were 453.59 grams in a pound...
  6. chevy_dmax

    Where do you live?

    Gladstone (Kansas City) Missouri...:hello:
  7. chevy_dmax

    McRat needs to buy a

    Jesssssh, $480 for stop sign...probably blame it on the price of fuel going up. I got nailed 2 weeks ago, 5 over, its $133. You lucky sir...:cool:
  8. chevy_dmax

    What Roundup does to a lawn mower.....

    It's the thought that least she tried...:;)
  9. chevy_dmax

    Allison 5sp: New Alli budget kit

    x2, can you tell us what is "missing" from being a full sc3 vs. this kit?
  10. chevy_dmax

    1000 members

    Oh sorry, I missed the replies somehow, been busy. Well that test and tune got moved to this weekend now, rained out I think. Have to ask cooter...
  11. chevy_dmax

    1000 members

    I see you all made it to the 1000 member mark, congratulations! Bill.
  12. chevy_dmax


    I got mine Friday too, just haven't got the truck clean enough to stick anything to it right now... Thanks Kat, you guys are great, 2nd to none.
  13. chevy_dmax

    Sticker Poll

    How many horsepower is the sticker good for? I'm guessing 50 or so...:D
  14. chevy_dmax

    Back by popular demand...

    Nobody has asked for #6.6 or 6600? I'll take 6600. Unless its too big o' number, then I'll take 6.6.
  15. chevy_dmax

    Sticker Poll shortly.
  16. chevy_dmax

    another site jumper...

    Howdy fellas...I haven't jumped ship.............yet.