shop air compressors


Apr 25, 2013
Phoenix, Arizona
bump this with some good info.

First, I definitely recommend adding the Solberg air filter silencer to your compressor if you don't have one. I used a crappy decibel app on my phone, and while the actual decibel reading didn't go down but a hair, it changed the tone from annoyingly higher pitched, to a deeper tone which is much more tolerable.

Also, if anybody has an old champion compressor and needs info- just call them! I was able to get pdf copies of the original manuals for my dads compressor- and its a 1962! That old machine is rated at 22 cfm at 100 psi, and 18 cfm at 175. I did some test, and its currently putting out 16 at 100 and 11 at 175, so it needs a rebuild. Found parts on ebay for a rebuild which I might try rather than selling.

The rebuild seller on Ebay.