I've about had enough with my current interface module I've been using for 4 years now. It doesn't retain factory chimes and steering wheel controls don't work. It came with a "buzz box" that makes a god aweful scream to simulate door chimes, and it's rediculously loud.
What interfaces are people using now days to retain factory chimes/onstar/steering wheel controls?
This is a 2005 bose equipped truck with aftermarket headunit and door speakers. The rear speakers are still being powered by the factory bose amp as well.
Part numbers would be helpful! When I search for interfaces, I get 17 different ones and I don't know which to get.
What interfaces are people using now days to retain factory chimes/onstar/steering wheel controls?
This is a 2005 bose equipped truck with aftermarket headunit and door speakers. The rear speakers are still being powered by the factory bose amp as well.
Part numbers would be helpful! When I search for interfaces, I get 17 different ones and I don't know which to get.