Injectors + head gaskets


New member
Mar 24, 2019
I'm getting new injectors in my 2002 2500 Silverado, 6.6, LB7..I have all the parts, Chevy dealer is charging Me around 1500.00 to install
If it turns out I have a blown head gasket how much extra in parts and labor are we talking..ballpark estimate


New member
Mar 24, 2019
I thought it was a injector issue, which it probably still is, never replaced. White smoke pretty much all the time especially on deceleration and idle.150,000 miles.. ordered injectors, seals, new fuel lines and gaskets..So you think me having my new injectors and install kit and being quoted 1500.00 to install , for them to check and dry I need new head gaskets tack on another 2000.00 to do that also.. I'm taking it in the morning not sure I have enough money for everything is why im trying to see how much more cash I need.


Why do I keep doing this?
Staff member
Apr 19, 2008
Mid Michigan
You asked for estimates. I figured $1500 to do H/G once the mechanic is that far into the job. Could be less, but I dont know your situation. I dont know the shop's policies or rates. Honestly, most of the guys that post regularly here would just do the job themselves.

I doubt you need headgaskets, but make sure they clean and reseal the injector cups. If they've done LB7 injectors before, they'll know to do that.

Where did you buy your injectors? This is important.


I like turtles
Nov 15, 2011
Lincoln, Ne
Head gaskets should cost around 5000 and they will install your new injectors when putting it back together.


New member
Mar 24, 2019
You don't think I will need head gaskets.. I'm losing some coolant , but my oil looks o.k., not milky.. the level doesn't look like it is higher.. so you think im losing it from the injector cups..I can't afford for them to do something that isn't necessary, how do they check this when I tell them..compression test??


Why do I keep doing this?
Staff member
Apr 19, 2008
Mid Michigan
Just the cups can pull up along with the injectors on removal, and then youve got a coolant leak if they arent resealed. A good mechanic will know to check them as the injectors are changed. I think you'll be ok.

Again, where did you buy your injectors from?


Professional Amateur
Feb 18, 2014
Norco, CA
LB7s most commonly lose coolant through pushed cups most of the time. I had one truck in here a while back where it was so bad it would hydrolock the engine sometimes. Luckily the guilty cylinders were at tdc when this happened.

Like Tom said, If the guy/shop knows what they are doing, they should automatically remove all the cups and reseal them and if any cup(s) are bad, replace them, I usually replace them if the majority of them are bad but not often. when I do these jobs I usually end up doing the headgaksets anyway, as I pull the engines for these types of jobs (only takes me an hour to yank them by myself). When ever I come across a pushed cup(s), I always want to remove the heads to see if there is any cylinder damage/washdown. I had one that bit me in the a$$ because I didn't take the heads off and inspect everything and turns out multiple cylinders had bad rings (learned my lesson there, but I took care of it). Thats just me though.

I mean, you have to tear down the engine most of the way regardless to do injectors on LB7s, I don't see why not go further and have the headgaskets done with studs as an extra insurance policy. when I go through these, every consumable gets replaced, heads get sent off to be checked and cleaned, injectors and pump get sent off for testing (unless I'm changing them.) and Turbo gets taken to my local place (I use Comp turbo) to get inspected and refreshed. If I do see anything wrong with the engine I let my customer know what I found and basically tell them it would be easier an worth the expense to have it refreshed at the machine shop since its already torn down. Its nice that Mahle makes an overhaul kit for these, as most guys can't justify the expensive performance parts for a stock truck, this makes for a great alternative.

and when its all done, everything on the engine is fresh and or refurbished to last many more miles ahead. I have to go this route as I had and still have fleets and hot shot drivers that can't afford to be down. Its expensive up front yes, but defiantly worth the investment in the long run.

The types of jobs I got were mainly redos because the customer didn't like my price to begin with, took it somewhere else, somewhere down the line something went wrong with the job (either the shop cut corners or the customer declined parts and or services, I never know the truth) and they want me to fix it. They basically pay double because I tear everything down and start over, I don't fix other people's mistakes, I get rid of them.

But in the end its entirely up to you what you want to do. Me personally, I would do both injectors and Headgaskets and studs.

But if you did buy your injectors from eBay or just some random place on the web thats not well known and they were very cheap, don't expect them to last. Theres lots of companies selling "low cost" injectors but don't last worth a damn. Most places wont install parts that you bring anyways just because they don't want to be held liable for anything going wrong with them. Or if they do they won't honor any warranties.


New member
Mar 24, 2019
Thanks for the reply duramaxnate.. had some emergency money issues popup from November till now costing me 10,000.00 and or job shut down for the winter till April 15.. My truck is very important to us we travel around the country pipelining so we rely on it...I agree about doing everything at once while it's torn apart, just didn't know how much extra$$ ight would be for head gaskets since they were already doing the injectors..I bought new Bosch injectors, fuel lines, install kit,seals, everything from injectorsdirect.injectors direct. New cat filter and adapter for 2600.00..... thank the very much for the response back..I appreciate it


Feb 1, 2018
Larsen, Wisconsin
Injectors Direct sells genuine Bosch also. But would not trust there stainless steel lines.


Personally I only like using GM replacement lines just because that is all I have used. I've heard good things about the replacement lines places like LDS sell but haven't ventured to get a set. By the time I need them (usually because a customer doesn't want to just let me replace them) the only place I can get them from that day is the dealership to get the customers truck out the door.

If I were smart I would have a set on hand :roflmao: