Horn beeps and left signal light blinks


New member
Apr 5, 2023
Not sure where to put this, sorry if this is in the wrong place.
my 2020 3500 duramax infrequently beeps its horn at me. Usually 4 times. The other day it did it again along with the passenger side signal light flashing. I was sitting in the truck with the key fob in my pocket about to start the motor. It has beeped at me several times before infrequently. I am always near or in the truck when it happens and the motor is always off. I am running the rear tires low so the tire pressure light is always on. Every time I start the motor I cancel the warning and go about my drive. What the heck does it want? It doesn’t do it every time.


Why do I keep doing this?
Staff member
Apr 19, 2008
Mid Michigan
Probably something to do with TPMS system. The turn signal will light for whichever tire is low and the horn will sound. Your low tires are probably just at the limit for the system.
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