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  • Your young and have energy, or so your resume dates lead me to believe, sell that as well... ie "fast and efficient worker capable of meeting deadlines..."

    What type of Safety School? BTW the font style changes at the bottom of your resume.

    Tweak it some more and send it back to me if you like and I'll look at it somemore and have my assistant review and format for you.

    [email protected]
    Hey Dude, Got your resume here looking it over.

    Some suggestions, take it down in person and hand it to the guy doing the review.

    Penske Truck Leasing FOR which i can...
    Supervisory experience managing as many XX mechanics in a fast paced environment, sell this to suit the potential employer, do they need production of perfection or a combo of both?
    What type of security clearance?
    Trouble shoot what? Electrical, Engine? General mechanical stuff? using what types of equipment?

    Familiar with what type of engine analyzer?

    Rebuit what? A diesel or gas truck engine? Tune up on what? Prove you can work on Penske crap.

    Secure a Yahoo or Hotmail email addy that is AWildman@... or AdamXWildman@... little more professional.

    What exactly did you work on in the Navy?

    Reduce font size allowing space for these additions, or reduce side margins and footers to create more space. 1 page is good, change paper color to grey? beige/tan?
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