Another no stater here
I have a LMM that is a no starter and it does it all the time almost every morning when it gets colder outside, or if it sits longer than 24hrs. It did not used to be very bad a while ago it would do it about once every two weeks and would restart later if I let it sit for about a half an hour. Now I have to unplugg both batteries for at least 5min and it starts right away every time. So I guess anybody that has not had the update try unplugging the batteries if you get stranded. I would take mine to the dealer but I have a DPF delete and programing so I'm scared too, I keep hoping that we can fix it ourselves after we get full flash capability for the Bosch ECM but after seeing what the E38 gasser guys are getting it does not look that way. We may only get full flash patches instead of the complete OS reflash wich bums me out I may just have go in and get it done or send my ECM to Trippin or somebody to see if they can with a tech 2.