Someone asked a question and individuals responded with their opinion. Question was why are those triple/twin trucks going up for sale. People gave their opinion what did I miss?
Even when people post up a truck for sale some ask why are you selling. In your eyes they should (seller) respond with none of your business.
People are curious. It is a interesting to as why. There is no doubt it could be for other reasons then stated above ,whats the difference? It's just conversation
Ya, it is "just conversation". is just your opinion, just like it is just my opinion. This is NOT the "For Sale" section on the Forum. I know that people like information and have every right to ask a seller why something is for sale. No, I don't think the seller should respond with "none of your business." However, because this is just conversation, I stated a simple opinion. Take it or leave it. I didn't like your reply, but I didn't respond to your reply, I responded to the OP with my opinion. If you don't like my opinion take it with a grain of salt and STFU. :rofl:
How many people have posted in this thread that sold their truck with tripples on it? Count them up. Every single response on here except one, which is Trent's, is pure, unadulterated conjecture and suspicion. Who f cking cares why Truck1 with tripples got sold? I don't. Yes, I have wondered the same thing, but big deal. Maybe he thought he could get more money out of it with two more turbos. I say, good for him.:spit: