white smoke weird symptoms

Oaks Landscape

New member
May 30, 2017
ive read about 500 forum threads on white smoke but none match the symptoms im having. i bought a 2003 duramax with 285,000 miles. the first thing i asked a guy was about the injectors which he said were replaced with 100 hp aftermarket ones from industrial injections. the guy said he lost the paperwork but i believed him(at the time) for two reasons, 1 reason is because he also lost the paperwork on the fass fuel filters but i could physically see they were there. 2nd reason was truck performance. with that many miles i new they had to be replaced at some point by now. after 5 months with no white smoke my dumb self went mudding and got stuck in mud with water almost to my floorboards. after that i noticed some occasional white smoke. the truck 90 percent of the time blows black smoke but heres where it gets weird. the 10 percent it does blow white smoke, it never does in idle or under heavy load. when i hit the pedal the truck litterally goes from white smoke then 2 seconds later the white smoke turns to black. the white smoke only comes out when i first start driving, after 5 minutes of driving its nothing but black. the white smoke ONLY occurs when im at like a quarter tank full. i also had a mechanic check my injector rates and all checked out great. im seriously dumbfounded. i did the oil ring paper towel test and nothing. coolant isnt leaking. anyone know what it could be? is it still injectors? because it doesnt seem like it symptoms wise. litterally the truck blows black almost most of the time.

Oaks Landscape

New member
May 30, 2017
Ok ill swap them but i just didnt want to jump the gun on something that expensive so fast. dont get me wrong when it blows white its a little more that a haze but then after two long throttles its gone. pure black from that point forward. under heavy load it starts off white then mixes to black, looks like fifty shades of grey coming out the tailpipe, and its every once in awhile


Gold Rush
Jan 13, 2012
The fact that it blows "pure black" makes me think you should also find someone to tune it so it doesn't look like a steamy pile of garbage going down the road.


Heavy & Slow
Sep 3, 2009
Boise, ID, USA
The problem might not be injectors, but tuning. If the truck had "100 hp" injectors put in and isn't custom tuned with EFILive, it will do all sorts of bad things (like smoke black and white).

I ran Industrial Injection 60% overs and they had 80k miles on them when I moved to 100% overs and put the 60% overs in a different truck, where last I heard, they are still running great. BUT... larger injectors require tuning to run correctly!

Rather than dump a ton of money into injectors, I would get a tune from a reputable tuner first, and see if they can't clean up most/all of the smoke (both black and white). You'll probably find it pulls harder without the smoke anyway.


Shits broke
Jun 12, 2008
Nor cal
The problem might not be injectors, but tuning. If the truck had "100 hp" injectors put in and isn't custom tuned with EFILive, it will do all sorts of bad things (like smoke black and white).

I ran Industrial Injection 60% overs and they had 80k miles on them when I moved to 100% overs and put the 60% overs in a different truck, where last I heard, they are still running great. BUT... larger injectors require tuning to run correctly!

Rather than dump a ton of money into injectors, I would get a tune from a reputable tuner first, and see if they can't clean up most/all of the smoke (both black and white). You'll probably find it pulls harder without the smoke anyway.

X2 I didn't think about tuning.


<that’s not me...
Sep 29, 2014
Granite Falls NC
Thought about that too but just assumed with that big of an injector it'd be tuned. And just because it's a brand that's not the best doesn't mean the injectors are complete trash and need to be replaced instantly. If they are in spec and a tune fixes it, leave them till they go. No use in changing them till then

Oaks Landscape

New member
May 30, 2017
yeah it has edge juice with attitude 6 tunes
stock mileage tow drive race extreme and hot. definitely need a tune change to efi live


<that’s not me...
Sep 29, 2014
Granite Falls NC
Sounds like bull to me. I do know that 25 overs aren't 100hp injectors. 30 overs are close ish to 70hp so 43 over could be right. Not sure how to check that but take the edge completely off and see if the issue goes away. I see lots of issues with edges in these trucks


Mar 26, 2017
Brookville, PA
It depends if they were rating them cshp or rwhp . No need to get excited I just thought the experts might want to know weather they were 100% or 100hp to be able to help!

Oaks Landscape

New member
May 30, 2017
yeah i heard edges suck on these trucks too. im going to take it off and get EFI live. and if it still does it ill pony up the cash and buy those bosh injectors. im seriously curious to know if the guy railed me or not cause it does sound like bull so this weekend ill pull one and look at it.


Why do I keep doing this?
Staff member
Apr 19, 2008
Mid Michigan
You really do not want to do that.
Not sure how many miles those injectors have on them, but since you'll have to pull the high pressure lines on one whole side to even get one out, crud from between the lines and nuts can dump into the injector inlets and wreck that whole side.

I would start with checking the injectors' specs out (balance rates, fuel rate, returns) and if they check out ok, then retuning the truck.

Oaks Landscape

New member
May 30, 2017
Alright thats what ill do then, but yeah i texted the guy tonight and he said they are 100 horsepower dragonfly cp 43 over from industrial. I told him i was blowing white smoke occasionally and he should of got bosch injectors he replied with i never heard of bosch so they must suck. i feel like the guy bs me on these injectors knowing i couldnt check or have time cause is was a craigslist deal. appreciate the input ill keep update.


Why do I keep doing this?
Staff member
Apr 19, 2008
Mid Michigan
Actually, it sounds like he has no idea what he's talking about and is just tossing out product names to sound intelligent.

You need to start doing basic diagnostics on the truck. Use a Tech2 or equivalent scanner and start monitoring data as the truck is running. Go back to stock tuning while you do this.


Aug 23, 2011
I agree! I would highly recommend sticking with OEM Bosch injectors. They are the best units on the market!


<that’s not me...
Sep 29, 2014
Granite Falls NC
^^^^^^^this guy right here will get you the best prices and injectors you can find.

As far as the guy that sold it to you he is a moron. Bosch are the OEM injectors. And if he has never heard of them before then there's a good chance your "industrial injectors" may actually be eBay specials or Pensacola. Never heard of a dragonfly cp injector. Just a dragonfly cp3. Probably just saw they're a big brand and said hey I put these in. I'd recommend a set of 30 over injectors from Brent. Wish I woulda went bigger with my truck tho.