ive read about 500 forum threads on white smoke but none match the symptoms im having. i bought a 2003 duramax with 285,000 miles. the first thing i asked a guy was about the injectors which he said were replaced with 100 hp aftermarket ones from industrial injections. the guy said he lost the paperwork but i believed him(at the time) for two reasons, 1 reason is because he also lost the paperwork on the fass fuel filters but i could physically see they were there. 2nd reason was truck performance. with that many miles i new they had to be replaced at some point by now. after 5 months with no white smoke my dumb self went mudding and got stuck in mud with water almost to my floorboards. after that i noticed some occasional white smoke. the truck 90 percent of the time blows black smoke but heres where it gets weird. the 10 percent it does blow white smoke, it never does in idle or under heavy load. when i hit the pedal the truck litterally goes from white smoke then 2 seconds later the white smoke turns to black. the white smoke only comes out when i first start driving, after 5 minutes of driving its nothing but black. the white smoke ONLY occurs when im at like a quarter tank full. i also had a mechanic check my injector rates and all checked out great. im seriously dumbfounded. i did the oil ring paper towel test and nothing. coolant isnt leaking. anyone know what it could be? is it still injectors? because it doesnt seem like it symptoms wise. litterally the truck blows black almost most of the time.