I was just talking about this with the old man on saturday I picked up a new belt for my sled and the same belt 3 years ago was 30 - 40 dollars and I paid 80. Then on the way home I stopped at burgerking and got a combo meal reguler size and the dam thing was almost 9 dollars.
Problem I see is greed in everything. Prices go up because of fuel but then they dont go back down with it and if joe blow at whatever company thinks it is going to rain in three months or the threat of war or just routine maintanance or whatever BS reason they want to come up with they raise the price of stuff wether its needed or not and does it drop back down to were it should no it does not they play the raise it alot and drop it a little bs.
And as was said before its not just the gov or big companys it is everyone being greedy.
Problem I see is that it has been this way long enough that I do not see it ever changing back and we can only live this way for so long before our country/world goes completely to shit.
Just my 2 but wtf do I know.
Yeah, I hear you. the problem is too, and I am talking to myself more than anyone, is we could shop around for most things and get better prices, but we are too lazy, and the big guys play on that. Also we get too desencitized by paying the high prices that we don't make enough of a stink when we know that the prices should be falling, so the companies don't drop them quickly and get used to making those profits. Like when WTI oil is low, they say you can't look at that, you have to look at Brent crude. When WTI is up and Brent is low, they say you have to look at the average prices to get an accurate estimate of oil prices. When both prices fall they say, well its gonna take awhile for that to trickle down, but when oil prices go up, the gas station prices jump up real quick.
I turn 35 in 2022, and the next presidential election after that is 2024. Vote me in, and I will clean up this whole mess starting with Washington, and I promise I will make congress pass a budget AND STICK TO IT. Kurt Hodges in 2024! Kurt Hodges in 2024!