When did how did this happen (rant)


Smell My Finger...
Aug 14, 2006
Man I'll tell you either I just woke up or never paid attention but the prices of items have gone through the roof!!!!!

I sent one of my guys down to the parts store to get some items to get my plow truck prepped and few other basic fluids I need.

I sent him off with a $100 dollar bill and a VERY short list with instructions to buy the store brand products which are a little cheaper.

He bought 2 gallons of Transmission fluid or 8 quarts.
He bought 2 five gallon oil change containers of Auto_zone oil or 10 quarts. Two quarts shy of a case!
He bought a Container of brake fluid!

He came back with $12 dollars! WTF WTF !!!!!!
$90 dollars? What the HELL is going on? I have to change the oil in my truck whats that gonna cost me over a $100 dollars? Plus fuel filters and I should do the Alley spin on! This is crazy I couldn't believe it I was in shock when he came back. It wasn't that long ago that a case of Penn 10w 40 was under $30 bucks in quart bottles!

Plus the wifey is bitching about grocery's. A household of 3 without Coupon Suzy (actually she used some Gold coins at the Big Y don't understand them or their value they represent but what ever) was over $200 bucks and she didn't buy much meat! She looked at a small roast beef for her and I and it was over $30 bucks!! Looks like we'll be eat'in Spam pretty soon! :mad:

Shit has gone wild! Man has the prices gone through the roof. I seriously can't get over the receipt from Auto-Zone blows me away !

Just my rant nothing special had to share my aggravation of $300 bucks blown like it grew off a tree!


<----new hotness
Jan 17, 2010
Thats what happens when the government prints money shits been going up for awhile you can thank bush obama and every politician in office for the last couple decades for it. Its only cost me 40 bucks to change my oil :thumb: shell rotella plus filter. Throw couple fass filters on every 10k around 50 bucks then do a trans flush once a year 150-250 depending on fluid.


Smell My Finger...
Aug 14, 2006
I run Mobil Syn 5w 40 and a gallon is $50 bucks just called Dist. Two of those and a filter WTF

Plus two fuel filters ,nucking Futs.


Smell My Finger...
Aug 14, 2006
Try feeding a family of 5....My 13 yo would eat my left leg is it wasn't attached...

Wouldn't want to. Also wouldn't want to be on a fixed income. I've just been taking closer notice lately as my finance burden has increased with my wife taking a 50% cut in wages last year and has her hand in my pocket now.

There is so they say indications that the economy is rebounding but I don't see it and with prices of durable goods and food ,everything really climbing like they are many must be penny pinching like a mo-fo to just survive! I don't buy into the unemployment drop either as I don't believe they counter in those that have lost their ability to collect. IMO I believe the believe these people disappeared from society.

I dunno how some people do it


New member
Jan 10, 2012
We can also thank Iran. They are seriously threatening to close the Strait of Hormuz, and they know Obama ran on a "Peace" platform, so the last thing he wants to do is start a fight in an election year, so he won't do chit about it. Gas and oil prices are rising because of those fears, and I think you can expect the prices to skyrocket if Iran is true to their word which I really think they aren't bluffing this time. I will go over there and fight myself if no one else will. That's how mad I am. Surely there is a few more country boys who will join me in the fight to keep fuel prices down.:D


don't know sh!t about IFS
Staff member
Oct 21, 2009
Phoenix Az
Wouldn't want to. Also wouldn't want to be on a fixed income. I've just been taking closer notice lately as my finance burden has increased with my wife taking a 50% cut in wages last year and has her hand in my pocket now.

There is so they say indications that the economy is rebounding but I don't see it and with prices of durable goods and food ,everything really climbing like they are many must be penny pinching like a mo-fo to just survive! I don't buy into the unemployment drop either as I don't believe they counter in those that have lost their ability to collect. IMO I believe the believe these people disappeared from society.

I dunno how some people do it

i only have to feed me, my soon to be fiance, our pup and a rabbit. im pretty much the one makin the money as her full time job sucks (shes in day care till she graduates and can become a teacher, still no money there). ive been bustin my ass at my job here to impress the bosses and try to squeak some raises out of them. so far so good. these prices are not helping at all and im not sure where else i could really cut corners to save some coin. store brand shit doesnt save you much anymore it seems.


Smell My Finger...
Aug 14, 2006
We can also thank Iran. They are seriously threatening to close the Strait of Hormuz, and they know Obama ran on a "Peace" platform, so the last thing he wants to do is start a fight in an election year, so he won't do chit about it. Gas and oil prices are rising because of those fears, and I think you can expect the prices to skyrocket if Iran is true to their word which I really think they aren't bluffing this time. I will go over there and fight myself if no one else will. That's how mad I am. Surely there is a few more country boys who will join me in the fight to keep fuel prices down.:D

If they (Iran) closes the shipping lane they cut their own balls off between that and shutting off other parts of the world I don't believe the USA will be the only ones to remove the block aid. So the way I understand it anyway

We need to drill and refine our own oil here. Obama stopping the pipe line really pisses me off! OMG ,now stands for Obama Must Go. Not that the next Pres will be any better but hopefully better then this idiot!

I hope the prices don't go up much higher people are hurting now!

Whitetail Addict

Rockin' the stock tune
May 8, 2008
South Central Pennsylvania
In my opinion, which may not mean much, the high fuel prices are to blame for most of what is wrong with our economy.
Not only do you have to spend and arm and a leg to drive to make money, you have to spend an arm and a leg for goods that are either made using petroleum or delivered by truck.


Smell My Finger...
Aug 14, 2006
In my opinion, which may not mean much, the high fuel prices are to blame for most of what is wrong with our economy.
Not only do you have to spend and arm and a leg to drive to make money, you have to spend an arm and a leg for goods that are either made using petroleum or delivered by truck.

You dead on and I agree 100%. if you consider how much is revolved around petroleum it's definitely a huge issue.

Anything plastic,automotive from tires to lube to fuel ,transportation of goods huge factor . If you cannot deliver products reasonable that cost is tacked on. If it's not made out of wood chances are it was made from petroleum ! Even shoes and boots, it would be easier to make a list where petroleum wasn't used. The world definitely revolves around oil. Between that and taxes has or economy in the toilet.

How do you fix it? IMO drill and refine here drive the prices down but it won't happen. It's crazy


New member
Sep 16, 2006
Goshen, IN
Here's an idea I have been throwing around for a few years in my head.

What if the gov't took over extracting and refining oil. Kinda like the Hoover damn project. The gov't would pay for oil rigs and refinerys with tax payers money. They would have to hire ONLY AMerican citizen's to build them, maintain them, and work at them for production of petroleum products.

Once the oil was made into Gas, Diesel, motor oil, jet fuel etc etc etc... Through legislation WE THE PEOPLE would force the gov't to sell it back to us and the absolute minimal price to maintain the day to day operations.

Basically the gov't would provide us with gas/diesel to fuel our country as a NON for profit orignization.


New member
Jan 10, 2012
Here's an idea I have been throwing around for a few years in my head.

What if the gov't took over extracting and refining oil. Kinda like the Hoover damn project. The gov't would pay for oil rigs and refinerys with tax payers money. They would have to hire ONLY AMerican citizen's to build them, maintain them, and work at them for production of petroleum products.

Once the oil was made into Gas, Diesel, motor oil, jet fuel etc etc etc... Through legislation WE THE PEOPLE would force the gov't to sell it back to us and the absolute minimal price to maintain the day to day operations.

Basically the gov't would provide us with gas/diesel to fuel our country as a NON for profit orignization.

Most countries where oil is nationalized, the political leaders become power and money hungry and they hoard it and drive up the prices thru taxes. It sounds good theoretically, but it doesn't work so well in practice. Government is stupid, cuz if any of these politicians were good at anything else, they would still be making money in the private sector. Do we really want all of our decisions in our lives and be dependent on them for our needs and well being? Heck no. We need to get government out of business, shrink it and let our leaders know that they cannot make policies that will be right for the every person. We are not all made in cookie cutters.


Well-known member
Nov 30, 2006
Lawrenceburg, KY
Shoulda bought that roast.... Reports I'm hearing on beef is that it will hit record highs next year due to all the herds that were sold off this past spring/summer during the droughts... Farmers didn't have feed nor water so they had to sell. Apparently that greatly reduces the supply for next year (2012) and we all know the trend... Demands stay the same while supply goes down and the price goes up.

I DEFINITELY DO NOT want gov't producing any fuel!! They screw up everything they touch. There's a snowball's chance in hell they could do a good job at producing fuel.

"The American Dream" is sinking this ship. Spoiled &/or ignorant ass bunch of ppl we are.


New member
Jan 10, 2012
just a shining example if why stupid people should not vote and why the Federal Reserve needs to be dismantled.


Everyone deserves the right to vote as bad as I hate to admit it, but the fact remains that we have become so indoctrinated to believe that there are not better options out there. We sometimes get too lazy to look for the better deals and let free enterprise work for us, then we get ticked off that we pay more for things and decide the gov't regulating is the answer when really they are more of the problem.

"The American Dream" is sinking this ship. Spoiled &/or ignorant ass bunch of ppl we are.

American greed is sinking this ship. I know that there is big business corruption, but it really becomes more of a problem due to the government corruption. Most laws today are passed to help out some business that has a politician in its pocket, therefore tilting the balance of a true free market society. Then when "problems" arise which are really nothing more than the markets correcting themselves in a normal cyclic fashion, the govt "steps in to save the day" and just throws money at the problem which devalues a currency and drags out a recession. But big business and govt greed isnt the only greed there is. Lots of ppl on welfare and these crazy occupy quacks are jealous becuz they are too lazy to work, and they want something for nothing so they scream redistribution of wealth and try to make the govt take money from hard working ppl being rewarded for their labors and risks, and give it to a less wealthy class of greedy people. We need to remember now more than ever that there are enough people out there in this world that hate Americans for us to hate each other. We all need to realize how good it feels to work hard for what we have and learn how to invest our money wisely and help others to do so as best we can so we can all be successful and America will be far better for it.


<----new hotness
Jan 17, 2010
You dead on and I agree 100%. if you consider how much is revolved around petroleum it's definitely a huge issue.

Anything plastic,automotive from tires to lube to fuel ,transportation of goods huge factor . If you cannot deliver products reasonable that cost is tacked on. If it's not made out of wood chances are it was made from petroleum ! Even shoes and boots, it would be easier to make a list where petroleum wasn't used. The world definitely revolves around oil. Between that and taxes has or economy in the toilet.

How do you fix it? IMO drill and refine here drive the prices down but it won't happen. It's crazy

Were drilling like mad dogs here in north Dakota our problem us the epa wont let us build a new refinery were overloading the refinerys in the west

^ agree with the above government corruption is destroying us not big business also unions corruption deals in with government corruption but thats a whole new rant


New member
Jan 10, 2012
Were drilling like mad dogs here in north Dakota our problem us the epa wont let us build a new refinery were overloading the refinerys in the west

^ agree with the above government corruption is destroying us not big business also unions corruption deals in with government corruption but thats a whole new rant

Yes, the union issue is a subject that I know I couldn't figure out. I don't want to completely get rid of them because workers should have some representation to keep employers "fair," and I know of cases where Unions have gone to bat for people being bullied by companies, but most are way too big and way to powerful. Like that Union trying to tell Boeing that they could not build a new factory in South Carolina because it was a right to work state. Like hell I would stand for a union telling me what I could and could not do with MY business and MY money. Plus, how does that make SC residents hurting for jobs feel? I don't believe joining a union should be forced or mandatory in any instance. People should have the right to choose.

Texas Chevy

Active member
Feb 14, 2011
Vista, Ca
X2 on fuel prices affecting everything. $4.100 a gallon local here. We watch food prices and when fuel prices go up the grocery bill gets larger. Why wife loves coupons.


May 1, 2011
I was just talking about this with the old man on saturday I picked up a new belt for my sled and the same belt 3 years ago was 30 - 40 dollars and I paid 80. Then on the way home I stopped at burgerking and got a combo meal reguler size and the dam thing was almost 9 dollars.
Problem I see is greed in everything. Prices go up because of fuel but then they dont go back down with it and if joe blow at whatever company thinks it is going to rain in three months or the threat of war or just routine maintanance or whatever BS reason they want to come up with they raise the price of stuff wether its needed or not and does it drop back down to were it should no it does not they play the raise it alot and drop it a little bs.
And as was said before its not just the gov or big companys it is everyone being greedy.
Problem I see is that it has been this way long enough that I do not see it ever changing back and we can only live this way for so long before our country/world goes completely to shit.
Just my 2 but wtf do I know.