HI all. I"m new to owning a diesel machine. I purchased a 08 Sierra 2500 with the Duramax/Allison combo. If anyone has any info regarding the Airdog II installation and reliability I would appreciate it. Yes I know about the pollution control stuff and that it can be a pain in the arse. I actually welcome the fact that my truck wont be belching soot everywhere but I also am aware of what happened when pollution control was put on cars in the 70's. I am nervous about the reliability and disruptions in service caused by the damn DPF. I dont see the point in taking it off, you couldn't sell it to anyone in a pollution control state without it and I'm not really a fan of all the soot. I'm just trying to find the best ways to make the truck work properly with the gear it has been given from the manufacturer and work within the limits set by the engineers. Yes I know it may sound naive to trust the manufacturers setup but i'm pretty sure that tinkering with the status quo merely results in further/increased problems in the form of reduced equipment life or outright damage to the motor/tranny etc. If you have any info about how to work with the system the way it is and get it to run better, I'd appreciate some feedback.