I've read and also heard word of mouth that, the stock LBZ (that's been specific, but I would assume the LMM trans cooler would work) transmission cooler is an acceptable core for an external oil cooler for a Duramax.
Which make me also believe that the upgraded SeaTrab cooler from Mike L or PPE would as well.
I don't know what parts would be needed to make the fittings proper for an oil cooler? It should be easy enough tho cuz the stock cooler has standard threaded inlet/outlet
I'd like to hear if anyone here does this or seen it done in this manner?
That cooler is way to small to make a dent in oil temps, but, it would help, but not as much as a larger cooler. You don't want to attach fittings to the stock cooler assembly to feed a oil-air cooler, you must use a sandwich adapter capable of flowing 16+GPM.
The cooler I had was like 30" long, 6" tall and 4" thick, was 400,000BTU and increased capacity to 13qts.