Made me a bucket carrying cart this morning
Been trying out a bucket, specifically those taller 7 gallon ones that we get our chlorine tablets in for a quick tool bucket that I can toss in whatever tools I'm going to need. Since I have a practically unlimited number I thought if one breaks, cracks or handle pulls off I can just grab another.
I sometimes get called to other hotels to do some kind of task force work or training of their maintenance guy. I hate lugging around a heavy tool bag with tools sticking out all over the side tearing up your legs. And those ready made tool boxes with wheels (pack out?) have such tiny wheels. Don't roll well over curbs, sidewalks, door thresholds, or other bumps. They also use hard plastic so are loud and can potentially leave marks on nice clean floors. Plus I can never find any in the smaller size that fits my needs. Another bonus is the bucket gives me enough height when I stand on them to be able to reach most light fixtures, bathroom fans or other ceiling mounted items. So it sorta doubles as a step stool
I decided I needed a cart to carry the bucket that has large soft wheels that is lightweight but strong. Can be adjustable for different height buckets. And can have the bucket easily separated from the cart to use as needed. Wheels salvaged from a baby stroller. Handle is 3/4" EMT
Only real issue is the cart doesn't stand up on its own without the bucket attached.