Weight Lifting/Body Building/Strong Man/Training thread

Burn Down

Sep 14, 2008
Boise Idaho
5'11 185lbs 10% BF. I never measured it but all abs are chiseled out. Lifting stats are while I was on 500mg of test per week. I noticed while on test I could eat anything I wanted and not gain any fat, although the guys on bodybuilding forum say test has ZERO effect on fat loss.:confused:

DL 475
Squat 375 gotta work on that one
Bench 305, although I hit 295 4 times the other day.

Those are some good numbers. You got me by 55 pounds on squat and 50 on Deads good work:thumb:

I'm guessing your bench has come up some as well 315/320ish.

Just over the counter test or doctor prescribed?


Making Chips
Nov 21, 2006
UGL test, AI, and proper Post Cycle Therapy. No over the counter test state side bro


New member
Jan 13, 2014
I also noticed I developed big veins while on test. Also gonna throw this out there, I got NO sides from that cycle other than the, unavoidable one;). My wife thought that I would roid rage all the time lol, but she told me she likes me on test haha. Women

At 500mg of test a week you really won't see much more than aggression as far as sides, it's the compounds you add in that imbalance you and cause the side effects.

Test doesnt effect your metabolism, but it does effect the nutrients your body absorbs from the food intake as well as your core temp by less than half a degree but that is enough to burn the fat..

Also you can get a script for trt from a doc. The dosages are prescribed at about 250mg which is perfect for cruising but if you wanted to say "stock up" it isn't hard to gather enough for a blast n cruise... Easiest way is to go tell your doc at your physical that you have no sex drive, you're always lethargic, lil depressed about yourself and you don't know why.. He will send you in for blood work and you just so happen to have come off cycle three weeks prior and didn't run a PCT and your test levels will be low enough he will sign that pen so fast.. Truck is convincing him you don't want androgel.. My I mean a friends excuse was that they have a few small children and they are too worried it could rub onto their skin...
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Making Chips
Nov 21, 2006
I'm not endorsing AAS, just giving my feedback.

I should have achieved those stats naturally before starting anything. BurnDown, Man that's awesome you did it the right way, definitely put in some hard work.


Making Chips
Nov 21, 2006
At 500mg of test a week you really won't see much more than aggression as far as sides, it's the compounds you add in that imbalance you and cause the side effects.

Test doesnt effect your metabolism, but it does effect the nutrients your body absorbs from the food intake as well as your core temp by less than half a degree but that is enough to burn the fat..

Tell me about your experiences? I was considering NPP next time.


New member
Jan 13, 2014
I've "reasearched" every compound under the sun, have stacked, blast cruise you name it I have been lucky enough to have run tests on it

Currently on blast with t e s t E 750mg a week with T r e n A c e 50mg a day and 2iu hygetropin H G H..

NPP is great esp people like me with joint issues, I try and save it for my winter cycle tho because it's a wetter compound.. So Tes E at 500 and N P P at 400 a week mixed in with Injectable D- Bol at 75mg a day would be somethjng a winter bulker might like..

Within your goals right now tho I would really look into EQ will give you moderate strength gains but the endurance levels go though the roof while on...


Making Chips
Nov 21, 2006
I'm going to bulk hardcore this winter. You like oral dbol? I mean heck I like my liver but is four weeks really gonna hurt it bad? I've read where it stacks on muscle faster than injectable dbol


New member
Jan 13, 2014
Well in my experience oral is rough on the liver yes but injecting juice into your muscles is just as rough on your liver.. The reason i prefer inj is because 1 you can run lower doses with more efficiency because it will be absorbed into your blood stream and less will pass through the liver thus being filtered out, but 2 the more important factor is it doesn't make you retain every ounce of damn water you look at the way oral D Bol does, a lot of guys still say well hell that's what Dbol is for to look big.. Well ya, but I don't need to look like I'm in 3rd grade again trying to lose 10 pounds of baby fat in my face... M

Tur ana bol is somethjng you might wanna look into as well if you are like me and concerned about water retention it's basically the same compound but has shown to hold even less water via oral ingestion


New member
Jan 13, 2014
Last winter I weighed 215 9% bf doing 130 dumb bell flies 160# DB presses and 900# leg press..

Now my priorities changed I'm down to 187 10% bf at 5'10 been at this size since March and have been really happy so I doubt I will ever do another bulk, I like my clean eating and cheat days but I'm just kind of burnt out on being big and losing all my flexibility esp with climbing poles for a living..

I think when I hit 40 I wanna be at 215 12-14% bf and ride that out but right now I'll stick with my 18" T. Rex arms :)

Burn Down

Sep 14, 2008
Boise Idaho
I'm not endorsing AAS, just giving my feedback.

I should have achieved those stats naturally before starting anything. BurnDown, Man that's awesome you did it the right way, definitely put in some hard work.


No judgement here, as I stated before it's not a magic shot that you take and wake up the next day Jacked, you still have to bust your ass, it just amplifies your hard work/results.

Only reason I ask about it is because I'm very ignorant about them. I would like to here pros and cons from people that have first hand knowledge:thumb: You know the old saying "I can get a good look at a T-bone by sticking my head up a cows ass but I would rather just ask the butcher":D

Burn Down

Sep 14, 2008
Boise Idaho
Lift daily endurance really 2weeks heavy weight 1 week high reps. Ever sense deployment it gives me a challenge on what I can do and how to relieve stress in a positive way. My only goal is to hit 200pds. I am 6'1" and 193 now, but cut up not fat well only a little. My legs are the strong point, squat 315 for 8 and leg press 975 for 8.

Good job on the squating! It really is one of my weak points but I have only been doing them for less than a year. I have come along way in 9 months. I just don't want to be the guy in the gym that has to wear sweat pants cause he has small leg and calf syndrome:D


Making Chips
Nov 21, 2006

No judgement here, as I stated before it's not a magic shot that you take and wake up the next day Jacked, you still have to bust your ass, it just amplifies your hard work/results.

Only reason I ask about it is because I'm very ignorant about them. I would like to here pros and cons from people that have first hand knowledge:thumb: You know the old saying "I can get a good look at a T-bone by sticking my head up a cows ass but I would rather just ask the butcher":D

Well if you get the urge to try it out, start with test! It's safe and it works.

Burn Down

Sep 14, 2008
Boise Idaho
Well if you get the urge to try it out, start with test! It's safe and it works.

I have thought about it, at 39 I'm sure my natural test is dropping pretty fast. I can tell a difference in my results, much slower than when I was 18... Maybe after my powerlifting meet in the fall?

I toyed with powerlifting in the fall and trying to do a bodybuilding show the following summer or just jump head first into the olympic lifts. I will feel it out after this fall.


New member
Jun 9, 2013
I Powerlifted from 1978 -1993 with Australian Drug Free Association
I broke 63 State and National Records in 82.5kg, 90kg, 100kg and 110kg Divisions. Best Lifting weight was 82.5kg (181 lb)
Best Comp Lifts at 82.5 bodyweight were Squat 322.5kg (711 lbs) Bench 212kg (467 lbs) Deadlift 317 kg (700 lbs) Total 825 kg (2648 lbs)
Never used the (Gear) Still train 3 times a week at my own gym. 67 yo this year
My opinion if You want to grow muscle go for a mix of mainly repwork with a few heavy doubles or singles periodically. You want to get strong then go for as much weight under 6 reps in shortest possible workout time then recover. Heavy lifting knocks the body around energy wise. After a Comp I wouldn't touch a weight for 3 weeks before starting a new cycle. I believe weight training is still one of the best things for the body :thumb:


future trans limpers
Jul 30, 2008
Scotland Neck NC
Any of you guys have issues with acne? I was doing test, tren, and HGH. Ive dropped the test and tren and just doing HGH now and its clearing up fast. Any suggestions?


Making Chips
Nov 21, 2006
I had some mild acne on my back. I mean MiLD. Two weeks of accutane killed it.


New member
Jan 13, 2014
Any of you guys have issues with acne? I was doing test, tren, and HGH. Ive dropped the test and tren and just doing HGH now and its clearing up fast. Any suggestions?

The acne usually comes because your levels were off, what mg were you running your test base at? What was the ace at? Was it every day or EOD pins? Test prop or enenthate?

There are two ways you can run that cycle, you can run your ace just under your test like 500mg test a week 400mg ace a week or a badass new way is to run your test with test prop and only run 450mg a week and your ace at 550mg a week.. Just run cabergoline with it to help with Tren dick :)


New member
Jan 13, 2014
Taylor your a Friggin chemist:rofl:

lol you guys are def in my comfort zone now.. Anybody feel free to PM or text me I can help as much as my knowledge will allow..

Oh and sorry don't know how to group quotes into one reply off if my phone..