TS Outlaw Drags called off! (From CompD)


On a Time Out
Mar 12, 2009
Fukk you Pat....you're a sorry piece of sh!t for trying to even insinuate that this is my or CompD's fault.

Was it bad....hell yes it was.
Was it our fault that some drunken idiots fukked off the whole town ? No

We did not promote ANY of that shit and you're a sorry mother fukker for saying we did.

You can ban me now you piece of shit....I've had it with your crap. If this was a normal episode with you....I might be nicer but you know damn good and well how personally I'm taking this past weekend DESPITE our best efforts to keep things under control.

If you had seen the look on Dennis' face when Dallas called about the crap Friday night you wouldn't pick at this but you just wanna push sh!t that shouldn't be pushed.

Way to kick a guy when he's down, azzhole.

Again...fukk you. You're not worth my time or effort you fukking idiot.

Hummm, Thats a fine way to promote Comp D right there. Not sure if all that was needed.:eek:


New member
Mar 30, 2008
There are always a few....it increased 20fold this year.
I've been every year for 5 years....I've never seen anything like this year.
Even Scheid's last August wasn't this bad as far as the idiots on the streets and it was pretty bad.

I have no idea where these people come from....but they came out in droves last weekend.

I was on the 5th floor of the Drury and I could hear burnouts all night long...every night...it was rediculous. It got to the point on Saturday that I drove about 15 miles around town to get to the pulls because I didn't want my truck on the same streets as the morons. I didn't want to be associated with them and I damned sure didn't want to get hit.


Beer Nazi
Sep 18, 2006
There are always a few....it increased 20fold this year.
I've been every year for 5 years....I've never seen anything like this year.
Even Scheid's last August wasn't this bad as far as the idiots on the streets and it was pretty bad.

I have no idea where these people come from....but they came out in droves last weekend.

I was on the 5th floor of the Drury and I could hear burnouts all night long...every night...it was rediculous. It got to the point on Saturday that I drove about 15 miles around town to get to the pulls because I didn't want my truck on the same streets as the morons. I didn't want to be associated with them and I damned sure didn't want to get hit.

My question is at such a big event why weren't there 24hr security>? Keep 1 or 2 security guards on the premises at all times during the night the Perry's should have planned a little better and NO this is not a "shot" at them so don't get on me for saying what every respectful is thinking.


Kicked to the Curb
Sep 2, 2006
Bradenton, Florida
There are always a few....it increased 20fold this year.
I've been every year for 5 years....I've never seen anything like this year.
Even Scheid's last August wasn't this bad as far as the idiots on the streets and it was pretty bad.

I have no idea where these people come from....but they came out in droves last weekend.

I was on the 5th floor of the Drury and I could hear burnouts all night long...every night...it was rediculous. It got to the point on Saturday that I drove about 15 miles around town to get to the pulls because I didn't want my truck on the same streets as the morons. I didn't want to be associated with them and I damned sure didn't want to get hit.

Problem is as it grows the # of azzholes attending keeps getting larger too. Question is how to stop it?
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Kicked to the Curb
Sep 2, 2006
Bradenton, Florida
After Smokin we are retiring the truck. I will attend our local strip. It sucks beng associated with a bunch like this. No more events with my truck participating. I will offer my services as staff to stay involved but this was a wake up call for me :( This is a family thing for me & I'm NOT going to subject my family to this behavior, our local pulls are headed they same way. A beer party & a sled pull happens. 1/2 of the drivers are drunk


New member
Mar 30, 2008
My question is at such a big event why weren't there 24hr security>? Keep 1 or 2 security guards on the premises at all times during the night the Perry's should have planned a little better and NO this is not a "shot" at them so don't get on me for saying what every respectful is thinking.

The Perrys do not own Beech Bend Campground.
The people that were there were paid guests of said campground...not guests of TS Performance...perhaps the Beech Bend people should have provided security ?

OR...maybe the Perrys should provide 24 hour security at every hotel for 20 miles, every restuarant, etc ? I mean....it's people in town for their event....they MUST be responsible for them, right ?


Wicked Witch of the West
Aug 2, 2006
Norco, CA
I have a question.... I'm going of memory of 4 years ago so it could be faded with old age.

But from what I remember the campground and the drag strip where near each other and the locked gate kept people out of the drag strip. Did people actually cut the lock or something to get into the drag stip?


New member
Mar 30, 2008
They actually adjoin, Kat. You can enter the same gate for both. The track was not closed off from the camp that night...no gates, barricades or anything.

Dallas is as much to blame as anyone for what happened on HIS property Friday night.
Hell...we begged to have the pits opened for Open House parking on Friday and were told no. Why would any venue owner park hundreds of heavy trucks on the side of a hill that's been rained on for nearly 2 weeks non-stop when he had a perfectly good parking lot not even 20 yards away ? And then get mad because it got tore up ? Really ?

BTW....Dennis is paying out of pocket to repair the damage to the field, he's having it rolled smooth and re-seeded.
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Old Geezer
Jun 27, 2008
Madras, OR, Pahrump NV
I'm not promoting CompD...I'm telling Pat what I think about him at the moment.

That stuff probably better done in a PM, you sound like an idiot posting like that, and I know you are not. I can certainly see you are upset by this as we all are. We would have been there as well except for some unforeseen circumstances.
I use to be in Palm Springs, CA every spring during Spring Break when all the wild college kids would hit town to let off stream. The young cuties showing off their boobs were nice, but it all got out of hand with near riots and even sexual assaults with cheering bystanders egging them on. Things went south in a hurry causing the city to clamp down so hard it drove the kids elsewhere.

I want to race and I want to be able to compete in these national events against the best in the country and not have to put up with or be associated with the hooligan element. Massive amounts of security, serious fines and impoundment of vehicles and zero tolerance for alcohol are probably the only way we are going to get this done. Hell it might be too late already.


Wicked Witch of the West
Aug 2, 2006
Norco, CA
They actually adjoin, Kat. You can enter the same gate for both. The track was not closed off from the camp that night...no gates, barricades or anything.

OK Thanks, they must have changed it since we where there or there is another entrance. Because I remember the gate being locked and the booth where they collected the money.


New member
Jul 30, 2008
There is another gate futher down the hill that will connect the campgrounds to the grassy area next to the circle track.

Whitetail Addict

Rockin' the stock tune
May 8, 2008
South Central Pennsylvania
I was at TS and I will say I had a good time. Glad the weather broke and we got to see some pulling.
I didn't see alot of smoking on the streets myself, but I stayed mostly on 231 and 68.

Although I was disappointed at the cancellation of the drags, especially for the reason at hand. My only complaint/constructive criticism would involve the pull. Schied should stick to his backyard pull.
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That Uncle
Apr 2, 2007
Atleast at Shieds when the pulls were almost called off because of the rain there were utility vehicle pull offs and 4x4 atv/sport atv races in the pit area...oh yeah almost forgot, there was plenty of beer and food. Point is, everyone was happy and making the best of it. I will be back that is for sure, I don't care how many dodge trucks or KKK members are there I am in! :coolspot:

Whitetail Addict

Rockin' the stock tune
May 8, 2008
South Central Pennsylvania
I missed the KKK members...but you can't miss the cummins love fest out there :D

I enjoyed Schieds last year and plan to go this year, they put on a great show. That is why it surprised me all the difficulty they had putting this pull together. I am not behind the scenes so the issue may have been out of their control, but c'mon two sleds sitting idle for 5-10 minutes between trucks...Scraping the sod off the pulling track at 5 o'clock when the pull is scheduled for 7...Building the second track while the 3.0 trucks are pulling...I had enough and left at 3am with probably 50+ trucks left to pull.


Finally underway !!!!!
Jul 7, 2008
slc tuah
got this off of the comp d thread ............ looks like 2 events have been cancelled no proof its related yet but :(

May not be related but its news.


Monday May 11th

The Primedia Havoc All Truck Event scheduled for August 1-2 has been CANCELLED. The new schedule will be as follows.

August 1st Saturday Night. August 2nd NHRA Bracket Program

Saturday May 9th

Saturday night fun night is still on schedule for tonight gates open at 5:00

TS Performance diesel drags have been CANCELLED today due to the weather, the truck pull portion of the TS event is still taking place tonight at the SOKY Fairgrounds for more information contact TS Performance.

Again this could be unrelated but info..

JH Performance - Your Diesel Performance Solution

Dear Diesel Enthusiasts,

Earlier this year we announced the 2009 J&H NorCal Diesel Rally: consequently, due to several circumstances beyond our control we regret to inform you the 2009 Nor*Cal Diesel Rally event has been cancelled. Please accept our deepest apology for any inconvenience this may cause you.

We thank you for all your past service and participation in this event and please know that you have been an integral part of the success of this event. We appreciate all your spirit of support. We will do our best to keep you updated and answer any questions you might have. We will continue to take part in the diesel shows this season and look forward to seeing you there.

Again J&H would like to apologize for any inconvenience. We wish you and your family an awesome summer full of adventure and good health.

Best Regards,

J&H Performance Diesel

Harvey Grant
Joel Gooch