I do not pretend to know much about mechanical things. I understand them when explained to me but I can't get my head wrapped around this new build. I recently had my trans rebuilt and upgraded with upgraded clutches, valve body and billet torque converter and what ever other parts they upgrade. I do not believe my temps are normal and are a bit, may I say, discerning, as before the build I did not have this issue. I elected to have the trans rebuild and updated after a number of instances of it going out of lock up and not going back in while towing. I tow a 31', 3 horse horse trailer all over the country. Total rig weight when loaded with 2 horses and all the creature comforts is right at 23,000#. Before, I was seeing trans temps maybe peak at 210ºF running 68-70mph with ECT around 190ºF, a little hotter when in the mountains of Wyoming last summer but nothing worrisome. The valve body was replaced hoping that would eliminate the lock up issue. It did not, so I opted to have the build done. Now, my temps are pushing 228ºF on flat ground running 68-70mph with the ambient temp being only 74-79ºF, ECT's are still averaging 190ºF. I have gone ahead and upgraded the cooler with a PPE cooler and upgraded transmission lines. Fan clutch has been replaced and the stack is clean but the trans temp has not changed. Mind you it doesn't get hot right away, it takes about 40 miles to get there but it just doesn't decrease. I know these transmissions can handle the high temp but this just seems excessive to me. I had it back at the shop that did the rebuild, a very reputable shop I might add here in Texas, and he did a number of diagnostics on it but could not find any issues. I am planning on a trip to California, crossing the Mojave and up into the Sierra Nevadas in mid July and am concerned about these temps. Guess what I just want to know are these temps acceptable? Thank in advance.
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