"The Dirty Hooker" pulled 330 ft, and ground speed looked faster than 30mph- it was freaking awsome! anyways, the duramaxes took the top 4 spots: 1) Tony Burkhart-330ft 2) DuramaxPowered-310ft, 3) Rob (dont know his last name): 302ft, 4) Toman-290ft:thumb:, hopefully i can get my brother to post the vid with tony and toman.
How is your truck doing ?
I have all the pulls on video, I'll post them up once I can find the USB cord that I misplaced
Next Sunday, Stanton. 9a-4p TnT
Darius and I are going as far as I know, and we'll see what we'll see.
Congrats on how you pulled!
I have all the pulls on video, I'll post them up once I can find the USB cord that I misplaced
5th Place http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3Gf2P-Pxac0
4th Place Toman http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JHNuE5v_k74
3rd Place http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oZ8amXM_DAQ
2nd Place DuramaxPowered http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qs7XM9N8Fk0
1st Place Tony Burkhard http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WekGwF6YL-I