x2.Consider yourself lucky Max, my wife tells me I'm stupid for doing all of this stuff to my truck PERIOD. :dunce:
Aww man it's funny now though. Her words used to be:
"You and that damn truck, that's all you ever want to mess with. I HATE HATE HATE that f****** truck"
NOW it's more like:
"MAY I take your truck to the store"
"let's take your truck"
and even better she'll call me driving down the road, telling me how she has the "shaky leg syndrome (TM)" and she just punked out this ricer dude that thought he was the shiznit.She's all hyped up and I have to tell her, cool, good job, but calm down.......
It's hilarious.
I just keep doing what I'm doing.
They'll all come around once they realize the fun in it!