It is now 0130 my time, in vegas. I planned on leaving here for Pheonix around 0300.... Now, being that I just got back from the bar and feel slightly "la-la'ed", should I stay up for another hour and a half or should I crash out. Odds are, if I crash, my 0300 departure time will most likely become 1100 hours, soooooo............
Now I know most of you are gonna be asleep, out partying or plain just dont give a f***, BUT with that in mind what would you do??
If I do somehow manage to make it back after almost 60 hours of no sleep, I'll let you know how it worked out....
Now I know most of you are gonna be asleep, out partying or plain just dont give a f***, BUT with that in mind what would you do??
If I do somehow manage to make it back after almost 60 hours of no sleep, I'll let you know how it worked out....