Temp and pressure logging


Aug 6, 2008
New Jersey
I'm wanting to log my intake temps before and after intercooler, as well as lift pump pressure. I searched and not sure if I found my answer or confused myself...

I know I would need to get some sensors, but my question is, can I use the 5v inputs on my V2 to do so? or are there no PIDs to view the info the sensors would give? All the info I found and reading I have done is for EGT or a wideband setup, that or it points me in the direction of the Fleece logger. Thanks for any help


Oughta Know Better
Apr 19, 2011
Western PA
Your V2 has two temp plug ins. The orange connectors that came with it will plug into the v2 and your two wires from the thermocouple will get clamped down in the orange connector. You need a certain kind of thermocouple but i cant recall what they are called specifically. You have two pid's that are called 'external thermocouple 1 & 3'.