Maybe a mod can move some of these posts to a new thread.
I measured resistance across that bend, using 400 cfm it was 7 IWC (inches water column). After making some changes to it, I got 4 IWC. At max augmented airflow of 1000 cfm, that 7 IWC will be:
(1000/400)^2 * 7=44 iwc. That is nearly 2 psi lost! If half of it can be eliminated that is progress.
I consistently got repeatable results (I have one modded, one unchanged) of 10-20% more air flow at all flow rates
By comparison the filter minder moves at 10 iwc, .4 psi. Should drive home the point that intakes are worthless to reducing resistance, while not addressing this issue. Could well be part of the turbo lag issue.
This was an interesting find, though I originally intended to just test pre-compressor water injection.