StarLite Diesel's Party Harder SEMA contest


put on da damn helmet day
Apr 29, 2008
I'll be roughly the same staggering distance away from southpoint - so rest assured you'll see me there - even if my beer goggles don't recognize you right off the bat :)

Ill be the one in the Duck Dynasty beard, carhartt apperal and double-fisting it... what should I look for in you :D


Active member
Sep 20, 2006
Wentzville Mo
Show me where to sign up, and i'll gladly do so tomorrow and have the money delivered to whoever is in charge around here.

To clarify - Henry's PM did not say i should be banned. It complained of this thread and that i'm not a paying member here, or on DF which - i probably never will be after seeing how that site is ran and the BS that happened over there several months ago. Henry brought up that incident in his COMPLAINT to the other moderators here as though it has something to do with this contest. He also says that I a where I'm at because I ride the coattails of II and EFILive. Well.... DUH! all i sell and do is EFILive. Anyone who knows me knows that I don't sell parts or anything else. And YES I do the tuning for Industrial. I guess that makes me riding the coat tails? I doubt you'll find a post on here of me mentioning Industrial in any way short of this one.

In short his complaint was childish and pissed me off after an already bad day, and after seeing other forums brought into his complaint - well - i'm sorry, but no other way for me to look at it other than being a cryass and bringing up something that happened elsewhere sure led me to think he had something to do with my customers there getting harassed because my name was in their signature as part of their mods list.

Like I said in my previous post. I'm happy to sign up as a vendor here, or "step up" - I waste alot of money on the forums i pay to post on because i RARELY post on them... don't have time and stuff like what's going on here well - it's just nice to know my business doesn't depend on how much I post, where i post or what I say. My business has grown by word of mouth, advertising on Google and Facebook, and of course in person training sessions and working on customer trucks in person around the country from time to time.

So.... someone send me the golden ticket for how to get set up as a vendor on here and i will be happy to do it.

I could give a rats ass what you do at Df I'm only a vendor there I help and im also vendor here. I have spent a lot of time posting info for others to learn and help with there issues. Start posting about more then your having a class every time you post there is other areas to the site other the Efi lives vendor forum. If I did what you did I guess I could do the same and just say heck I sell for them I will use there area well skip to this guys forum next. Be some extra fuel money saved up.


I like turtles
Nov 15, 2011
Lincoln, Ne
He offers and sells Efi live very little over head so trumps the big shops. The classes they would not do them if there was not a profit and to use someone's place. There is a few guys on this forum that only sell Efi live they pay the vendor fee.

Who sells just efi on here?


New member
Aug 23, 2012
Salt Lake City, Utah
I could give a rats ass what you do at Df I'm only a vendor there I help and im also vendor here. I have spent a lot of time posting info for others to learn and help with there issues. Start posting about more then your having a class every time you post there is other areas to the site other the Efi lives vendor forum. If I did what you did I guess I could do the same and just say heck I sell for them I will use there area well skip to this guys forum next. Be some extra fuel money saved up.

I didn't follow that post :/


StarLite Diesel
Sep 2, 2006
OK - it's official. Just paid my invoice on here to be a vendor. Let the bitching cease and the PARTY start! Back to business!! There's 3 days left until one of my kids draws a lucky customers name out of the hat to win this contest!

So now - officially, as a vendor here - if you're not a StarLite Diesel customer - still have time to be one AND enter the contest if you want.... If you're already a StarLite customer and want a chance to win this thing - I need to know! Get me an email by following the directions in the first post of the thread....

Thanks for the all the support and I look forward to responding to all the emails and phone calls and orders generated by the last days events in this thread. Been responding as fast as i can. It's a crazy amount of extra volume that having the shit pot stirred for me has generated. I should figure out how to do it more often! :D


Why do I keep doing this?
Staff member
Apr 19, 2008
Mid Michigan
I applaud Henry for taking a stand, and Zach for signing on as a vendor.

You DF guys need to STFU. You all sound like city people who move to the country to get away from the BS but then want to change everything to be like where they left.
Add to the knowledge base here with intelligent ideas/thoughts or go away.


That's better
Aug 6, 2006

Don't be so hard on Henry. It isn't fair for other vendors that do pay. I like Zach and happy to see hI'm as a vendor! Pat made this site to help members and simply asks vendors to help out and answer tech much as possible.

We all want a good site.Then we all need to chip in


Beer Nazi
Sep 18, 2006

Don't be so hard on Henry. It isn't fair for other vendors that do pay. I like Zach and happy to see hI'm as a vendor! Pat made this site to help members and simply asks vendors to help out and answer tech much as possible.

We all want a good site.Then we all need to chip in



Oct 13, 2008
Windsor, Ont, Canada

Don't be so hard on Henry. It isn't fair for other vendors that do pay. I like Zach and happy to see hI'm as a vendor! Pat made this site to help members and simply asks vendors to help out and answer tech much as possible.

We all want a good site.Then we all need to chip in

I have no fight in this but that is the best post in this thread. Other than the Trip.

I bought the books off him back when they 1st came out. Great info.

Also it is great to have him as a vendor now too.

That and I don't want to see DD become like DP and DF this site is better than that and so are its members.
Look what happens when you spend a few days in bed sick! Oh my.

Good on Henry for reporting the post. I'd rather see posts reported and followed up rather than having an under current of upset vendors. And at the end of the day, vendors are paying for a privilege to be treated differently to non vendors. You are purchasing the right to be able to sell and promote where others cannot. It's irrelevant if Zach was selling or not,we should be encouraging vendors to speak up, and supporting them.

There is a second position vendors hold. My personal belief is that potential customers have the right to see vendors for what they are - the good and the bad. Vendors hold a position of power and should use it wisely. It is my firm belief that vendors should not be able to delete their 'bad' posts. Why should a customer get a one sided view? If you type it, live by it. Think carefully, very carefully about what you say.

EFILive rarely moderates posts here, on our forum, or on any other forum, and would never moderate because someone made an idiot of themselves. Your all grown adults, behave like an adult, and if you can't, remember your future customers will see you for what you have said. 2 weeks, 2 months, 2 years later when the emotion is gone from your fingers....your words still exist on the Internet. Except in this case, I can tell by the number of post notifications vs the number of posts left, this has been heavily moderated/edited...which is a shame for future customers, but probably lucky for both of you.

Im glad to hear that you are signed up now Zach.

EFILive supports all of its resellers. There are no favourites, but when we get asked the same question over and over and over, we do make changes to meet the needs of our customers.

Yes, we push Zach's classes. But we push everyone else's classes too. Why? Because Customers ask all the time and it makes answering all those emails and forum posts about classes easier.



StarLite Diesel
Sep 2, 2006
Thanks Cindy and others for the posts. I'm happy to be here and as a vendor. That was never an issue with me in the past - I did ask to be a vendor on here and what it entailed some time back - but as with EVERYONE I think we get busy and just like I've overlooked emails or accidentally deleted them, etc - others are sure to make the same kind of mistakes and since I haven't really tried to make myself 'known' in the Duramax arena of EFILive tuners - I never really pursued it because, just like the other forums that I do a horrible job of keeping up with or posting regularly, the same is likely to happen here.

Not that I was 'right' in posting this thread - I honestly didn't see the harm in it, and had been asked why I hadn't posted about the contest here which is what prompted me to do so almost 7 weeks after I had posted it on forums where I am a vendor (easy to verify that!). People felt left out and rightfully so - I haven't been as active in the Duramax side of things even though roughly half of my tuning business with NO direct advertising is Duramax work. I was leaving a large chunk of customers that never visit the other forums out and so chose to post not really seeing it as harmful to anyone or as touting my wares...

In the end, i'm happy to be here as a vendor, officially, and will do my best to contribute and help out. I am good in the EFI arena, and try to share when I can if I have something helpful. Lord knows over the past almost 8 years I've learned a TON from this site and a couple of others - because people were willing and able to share, even if just tidbits.

This contest, believe it or not is meant as a thank you for those interested in going to the SEMA show and to give the winner a little help with getting there (or drinking money if they so choose :)) and was never meant to start a war. I got more upset than I should have, but I also don't feel it was approached the right way so that added fuel to my fire after crap I've dealt with on other forums and - yes - I can have a pretty hot temper. No need to go on about it - I think everyone got what they were after out of the exchange and like I said, I'm happy to be a vendor on this site... I "learned" from the members of this site and, in all truthfulness (as anyone who has seen my books or been in one of my classes can attest to) - I DO give credit where credit is due I believe. StarLite Diesel wouldn't exist without some of the members from this site, including the owners.

So thanks to everyone for both the support and the criticisms. I need to know both when I'm doing stuff wrong, as well as when i'm doing it right too - as much as I might not like to be told i'm an ass, especially 2nd or 3rd hand about it, I need to know so I can at least make an effort to correct it.


StarLite Diesel
Sep 2, 2006
Last day to enter! Drawing will be right about 4 PM Mountain time - winners will be notified directly and then we will update the forums with the winners names, both of the customers and the separate contest for the dealers.

Good luck!


StarLite Diesel
Sep 2, 2006
And the winner is.............

Eric Johnson!

Congrats. All entrants should have received an email from me announcing the news by now but wanted to say thank you again for those that participated.

Look forward to seeing as many of you as I can at SEMA! I know many of your are planning on going regardless of the contest so hope to see you there!