Just finished ordering 2 of these for my rig:
Tom isn't going down easy.
That's all I'll say...
Sent from Saint Thomas, US Virgin Islands.
If it's vacation, who needs teh damn phone ....
Got it back online, the 6 pin connector for the CPU power on the MoBo had come loose. Guess I didn't have it plugged in all the way. What PITA. But now 1 of the cards has a better PPD. Need to figure out why the 3rd one is so low. May have to try it in another slot or 2.
Hmmm now that card slowed its clock speed back down again. Seems to be a common problem with some cards and folding.
What OS?
Are you getting low GPU usage? If so, be sure to go into the display settings and make sure there is a check in the "Extend my desktop onto this monitor" box. Maybe need dummy plugs?
I had problems with XP Pro 64 and the GPU3 client not cooperating. Had to go back to the 32-bit version.
I get full GPU usage but my PPD drops to half with certain WUs. I can either back the clock down some or do a full system shut down and restart. I usually just shut it down for a few minutes, then restart the computer and clients. I do this usually twice/day. . . sometimes more. But, my PPD usually comes right back up.
It's sad that the two GTX460s I just bought are really too small now for the current WUs. I just finally got the other one today after jumping through hoops with the UPS claim for wrong delivery. Wish I knew who "LEFT WITH LITTLE BOY" was. . . maybe I would have 3 460s folding.
What the hell is that??