Makes me feel a whole lot better, knowing we aren't the only ones getting winter. Today is like the 5th straight day we have had some snow. And that is after mid 80's earlier in the week.
Love CA, its nice here. Pretty cloudy though, but that is very nice when you are working on a block roof trying to install a dyno room exhaust vent for PPE. THis pic was very recnetly at malibu
I talked to my mom today and she said it snowed in East Texas yesterday too. Pretty crazy since I'm the one who lives up north and I've been enjoying highs in the 70s here lately.
Heck we live 20 miles north west of you and got less snow than that. What's most odd for West Texas is our trip south the same day and saw 4 inches of snow in the fields, lots of Ice on the roads, a bunch of wrecks and we only traveled 85 miles south west of your location. Hmmm gotta live in WEST TEXAS to understand. Oh well better have your sun block ready for Wednesday.