SAAB is dead...


Smell My Finger...
Aug 14, 2006
Do I have a lisp?:hmm::poke:

I Love Saabs, I'm not sceeered. I had a 95 900SE t and that thing got me anywhere I wanted to go: sand pits, mud holes, 160 mph runs to VT and back, all till I decided to buy the truck and not put a rear main seal in it at 160k. That was the hardest 60k miles a saab has ever endured I am sure. My current Saab, an 03 Vector 6 sp, isn't as fun but it is one comfy car and for what I paid for both of these cars, I can't complain about much. I am hoping I don't end up a victim of a lunched gearbox in this 6sp, I am not a fan of the feel of it at all. I have to force it into gear when cold, and sometimes it grinds into 2nd when cold. But overall, I like the car, it is responsive and powerful, and gets decent mileage (26 avg commuting)

See it just must be us! :D

There isn't a car out there that someone wont call a piece of shit! Certainly the Saab I owned was a mutt. Like I said IF you made a list of vehicles I would own or was in the market to own a Saab would not be in the top three at all perhaps not even in the top 10 . Looking at the state of affairs today I wouldn't touch one with a ten foot pole.

Yes the 9.3 was or had knick picking issues and I dare you to list one auto that has ZERO consumer complaints or ZERO owner warranty claims and a dare say ZERO call back for voluntary or forced TSB's.

At the time for value and quality it was a decent car. For the record I'm not in the closet nor looking to come out of the closet I'm as heterosexual as it comes nor do I enjoy the company of sheep! :D

You can call me a lesbian that is a fair statement ! But thats as queer as I get.

Also I hate to see anyone lose their job and this is yet one more nail in the coffin. Also this is my ONLY experience with this brand. I never owned one previously nor has anyone in my immediate family. So perhaps I am naive and others have just right in calling a Saab junk and I shall not be JUDGED or called a faggot by a individual who has a UN-natural romantic feelings for a pack animal . A individual who apparently spent way to much time ,perhaps still today , at a petting zoo with a roll of quarters in one hand ,a handful of treats in the other luring a sheep into a dark corner for his pleasure! Maybe it's jealousy of the Swedes in their vast availability of these muffin showing beast that drives this hatred! :roflmao: :hug: :roflmao:

( I hope you know I'm just having fun here Mikey) :)

Mike L.

Got Sheep?
Staff member
Aug 12, 2006
Fullerton CA
Do I have a lisp?:hmm::poke:

I Love Saabs, I'm not sceeered. I had a 95 900SE t and that thing got me anywhere I wanted to go: sand pits, mud holes, 160 mph runs to VT and back, all till I decided to buy the truck and not put a rear main seal in it at 160k. That was the hardest 60k miles a saab has ever endured I am sure. My current Saab, an 03 Vector 6 sp, isn't as fun but it is one comfy car and for what I paid for both of these cars, I can't complain about much. I am hoping I don't end up a victim of a lunched gearbox in this 6sp, I am not a fan of the feel of it at all. I have to force it into gear when cold, and sometimes it grinds into 2nd when cold. But overall, I like the car, it is responsive and powerful, and gets decent mileage (26 avg commuting)
