Yeah and if you would have listened to the :witch: you would have run an 11 :frog:
Or gave her the keys :cool2:
Yeah and if you would have listened to the :witch: you would have run an 11 :frog:
Yeah and if you would have listened to the :witch: you would have run an 11 :frog:
You tell him to stage with the back tire:cool2:
150lb. and 10min should net .15
:yup: But, would he listen?
hey Anthony, its nice being able to drive my truck when I want
Vote away:rofl:!!!
Yeah and if you would have listened to the :witch: you would have run an 11 :frog:
Popcorn !! waiting for this to finally happen !! :thumb:
Nick you ready to race?
nope truck is going back to stock done with it good luck running