Unfortunately its a part of life, I lost my dog that I had since I was 5 about 5 years ago. Hardest thing Ive ever had to do leaving him on the vets table. Hopefully the next time I can do it like ya'll did.
sorry to hear about your loss Henry . I wish we were givin the option to have our dog put down at home . It just breaks your heart to have to leave them at there most vulnerable time .
I can relate, I had to have my 14 yr old Shepard put down last year at this time. The vet did it at home also, since it had to be done, we wanted it that way.
Its amazing how you become so attached to dogs...they don't call them "man's best friend" for nothing.
Condolences as well. I lost two VERY special ones in the last year and it's tuff. You always try to prepare yourself for the inevitable but it still ain't easy. And they say it's a dog's life. Short and sweet I guess. Keep your chin up.
Thanks guys, and sorry to all the others that have lost there pets also,I use to have 40 paint horses and 150+ Beagles,But they were not pets that was part of a hobby and are farming,This was my first pet that lived with us in the house.
Sorry to hear about you dog Henry. I got a rot that just turned 7 and got him when my son was 6 months old and it will be hard on my son when it's time for mine to be put down.