Rental coverage on your vehicle insurance policy


Needs Bigger Tires!
Dec 27, 2006
Western MA
I was in an accident last month. I rear-ended a gentleman on the highway after he stopped dead looking at an accident in the other lane.

I just found out this morning that MY Insurance only covers me 30 days of a rental vehicle and is $30/day.

Tomorrow is day 30 and my truck is not out of the shop. After that I will have no vehicle. :mad:

Is this normal?

The gentleman I hit did not need a rental (minor damage to his tire carrier), but if he did I would assume my insurance would cover him until his vehicle was repaired (even if past 30 days). Why won't MY insurance cover ME???? It's not my fault the truck isn't finished. I know the shop was closed a few more days than usual due to Christmas and New Years, but that is not my fault.

I'm not sure if this is a Massachusetts thing, or if this is normal? Is it?

This is the first I have ever heard of this.

Also, the insurance company gets a deal on rental cars. The car I have been driving (base model 4 cylinder Mitsubishi Galant) the last 29 days was only 29.99 a day for the insurance company, but if I want to continue to drive it, it will cost me 59.99 a day. WTF is that!

If I want a car over the weekend it's going to cost me $129.98 (PLUS TAX).

Sorry for the tone of the post......just need to vent a little.
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Wicked Witch of the West
Aug 2, 2006
Norco, CA
I think that is the same coverage we had. But, since we have more vehicles then we need I canceled it and saved the money.


New member
Jan 4, 2008
Plymouth, MA
That's normal - I learned the hard way over 10 years ago myself. You can increase the coverage amount and/or day (IF you're willing to pay for it).


Why do I keep doing this?
Staff member
Apr 19, 2008
Mid Michigan
Sadly, that is the way of insurance. If you dont read the fine print when you sign up, you end up with things like this.

You havent been having very much luck lately, Chris. First the deer, now another vehicle?


Needs Bigger Tires!
Dec 27, 2006
Western MA
Yeah, My luck is about as good as Ben's.

We're both from the same general area. I wonder what they are putting in the water. :rofl:

Oh well, that's life. It's nice to know we have friends all across the country though. Forums like this make things a little easier....

Sadly, that is the way of insurance. If you dont read the fine print when you sign up, you end up with things like this.

You havent been having very much luck lately, Chris. First the deer, now another vehicle?


Freedom Diesel
Jul 1, 2008
Chesterfield, Mass.
haha, we thought we had the truck all set to go and now it's acting up again, had to replace the alternator, batteries, now putting in filter and battery blankets, i guess she barely started this morning and suddenly tranny fluid appeared on the snow :(, all gauges are whacky, pyro is dead, nothing on it is working right. damn that water!!


Needs Bigger Tires!
Dec 27, 2006
Western MA
Man, we gotta get out of the Northeast :confused:

haha, we thought we had the truck all set to go and now it's acting up again, had to replace the alternator, batteries, now putting in filter and battery blankets, i guess she barely started this morning and suddenly tranny fluid appeared on the snow :(, all gauges are whacky, pyro is dead, nothing on it is working right. damn that water!!


Freedom Diesel
Jul 1, 2008
Chesterfield, Mass.
ya...and i take it you haven't even gotten to think about the 454!! o BTW, i think our first pull will be the Cincy pulls out in NY in late may, you should some join us, i'll even make your weight bracket for you:D:D:D:hug:


Needs Bigger Tires!
Dec 27, 2006
Western MA
With any luck the 454 will be out and on the stand Wednesday night/Thursday morning next week.

I just got a call from the body shop. They had the hood "fixed" and painted and lined up with the fenders. They went to put the grill in and the hood hit the grill (dipped down in the middle). They ordered a new GM hood and everything fit perfect. They painted it and it doesn not match the fenders. They have to blend it in as well as repaint the scoops (that they already painted to match the old hood). They said I should see it Tuesday as Monday is a holiday :(

The thing that pisses me off most is I told Ben I would help him out with his motor swap and now it doesn't look like I will be able to even get out there to help him. I hate promising something to somebody and not be able to follow through. :mad:

I was going to borrow Michelle's Bravada but she needs it to drop off her son in the afternoon.

ya...and i take it you haven't even gotten to think about the 454!! o BTW, i think our first pull will be the Cincy pulls out in NY in late may, you should some join us, i'll even make your weight bracket for you:D:D:D:hug:
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Needs Bigger Tires!
Dec 27, 2006
Western MA
when were you going down to help with that? if he wants double the hands i'd be willing to go help too.

I was going to head out EARLY tomorrow as I need to be back by 4PM for a previous commitment, but no ride = no go.

I was going to take today off of work and help too, but unfortunately he did not have all the items he needed. Today would have been a shorter day too as I have to have the rental back by close of business today.

Luckily Monday is a holiday for the hospital and I won't need a vehicle. Two of the guys that work with me are going to help me out on Tuesday. One is going to pick me up in the morning and the other is going to bring me to pick up my truck if it's ready or drop me off at home. After that I'm good to go even if I don't have the truck as my parents are flying out to California on Wednesday. I took Wednesday off and they are picking me up and I am dropping them off at the airport and will have their car until I pick them up again. Unfortunately it's a few days too late to help Ben.

I can ask Ben if he doesn't mind extra hands if you are willing to be my chauffeur :eek:

Give my cell a call and let me know.
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New member
Nov 21, 2008
Whitmore Lake, MI
My insurance is the same, however I got the dealer to give me a free loaner the one time mine was in for work. Now I have a second vehicle, so I declined the coverage to save money.