so get this igot pulled over last night......well i wouldn say pulled over since i was parked on adirt road already ...i had pulled off the road to text (IT was about 1am,heading home) SOME JERK COP just happened to pass by and thought i was up to no good. so he parked behind me and did what they do. well apparently i was drunk since i failed the STUPID test asked me todo which was to close my eyes and just stand there for 1 minute.ive done lots of sobriety test and never failed them but apparently this one is new....KEEP IN MIND THAT I WAS NOT UNDER THE INFLUENCE OF ANYTHING(well maybe a full stomach)...... SO i failed that test,i dont know how but i by now another cop had shown up.they started jibb-jabbering about what to do with me since i was "SO F^&*#D" as they stated. in the mean time the only thing going through my mind was "what the f' is theyr problem???",i never lost my cool and answered all theyr questions...they even went as far as telling me that reeked of alcohol ....they asked me about