A few years ago I pulled my trans to swap out the converter. Didn't have any transmission jacks. Just the standard racing jack and some scissor jacks. I ran some heavy ratchet straps over the frame and under the transmission for safety. Used the jacks at the front and rear and slowly dropped it.
Removed the transfer case first. Was tricky as mentioned above but not too hard. Just getting it at the right angle to come out and of course heavy. I was probably more sore from pulling and putting in the converter then anything else. Felt like it weighed more then I do.
I weight about 140 so not the biggest guy in town but managed all on my own in one day.
Had trouble with getting it out from under the truck to as the transmission is taller than the space between the driveway and the frame. Ended up leaving it under the truck and swapped the converter there. Everything else wasn't too bad.
A helper will definitely make it easier