Question/Info...Back Health...Opinions/advice Welcome!


Cut your ride, sissy!
Apr 12, 2008
:hug: Thank You, Mitch, I appriciate it anyways:thumb:

I wanted to get the details of it all, and even as I type it at a scientific/factual kind of way (best i can describe what i mean:spit:) its hard to make it not have emotion to it. Specialy the mental part it plays to me. Dunno how else to describe it:eek:

No matter, because im still happy to have what i have because i know theres far less fortunate ones out there than me;)


Active member
Jun 15, 2008
Rancho Cucamonga
Try a pillow between your legs while sleeping, this will help the low back, and even though the pain is chronic also try ice several times/day because most of the pain is actually from inflamation. I never had improvement till I made the excercise and pt my number 1 priority.


Cut your ride, sissy!
Apr 12, 2008
Try a pillow between your legs while sleeping, this will help the low back, and even though the pain is chronic also try ice several times/day because most of the pain is actually from inflamation. I never had improvement till I made the excercise and pt my number 1 priority.

I find a pillow a bit too much but i do have a thick layer of blankets and i like making a big fold of them tucked between my legs and it does pretty good job of that. I do that a lot, but i inevitebly toss and turn and by morning ive usually turned and disorganized them into way that have me scratchin my head:spit: I was taking things from Soma's to Tiazndine to knock me out and keep me asleep and they did do that well but real groggy and tired in the AM. And as usual, I built immunity to them and just got hangover effect off them. Even those I only took when I was having a hard time only. Now I take a 24hr time release Anti-inflam, and another kind in the day and a steroid.

And, absolutly on the inflamation! The last major episode i had, (when i found out my current state), my lumbar hurt so bad I was sure somthing major was about to give way in there, might have had i not gone in! And it was really inflamed, but that next day on my current med regiment made a big differance and tapered it down alot over a few days. If i slip up on my meds any.... boy do I know it fast! It still hurts all the time but its under some control for now, but by no means is it peachy yet:eek:

It seems backwards but heat feels good, better than cold on the areas. IcyHot is nice too, but i dont know if thats counts as actuall tempature therapy? The stick on instant heat things are nice. Its easy to apply heat, but cold things right in the small of the back makes me squirm:rofl:


Beer Nazi
Sep 18, 2006
You might want to look into Yoga... amazing for dexterity and great for your body


Super Moderator
Staff member
Jul 2, 2007
The Jedi Master:dontknow:

:spit: Yoga not Yoda Chris!!:rofl::rofl:

You've definetly been served a giant cup of suck man!! I hope you get some sort of regimine together that helps improve your quality of life!

I found that a little time stretching and doing exercises in water helped me out when I was having back issues a few years ago. For some reason swimming really relieves alot of tension and stress which was giving me back spasm. But if you have DDD, I'm not sure how much exercise and such can help.

Mary Jane sounds like the best alternative to me as far as pain killers go and to help relax/sleep at night. That chemical stuff can't be good for your other parts.


New member
Jun 14, 2007
Southeastern, Indiana
I feel your pain but I'am sure mine is not as bad as yours...

Couple bad motorcross wrecks did mine ran over by two quads in a row that were running out 45 mph that was it for my healthy back.

Years of running pans, bulldozers, and track loaders, also didn't help mine much either...nor carrying sewer and water pipe.

Chiro helps mine the most but that gets pricey even with insurance I was going 3 times a week at 20 bucks a pop(no pun intended)! Bad backs is in my family though, dad had 5 vertabre(sp) fused, his also shot from racing.

I quite racing racing and quite excavating for a b.s desk job....way out of element! doesn't seem right sitting at a computer wearing cowboy boots but I'am only 23 and I had to change my lifestyle and fast!! I don't do painkillers...don't believe in them but I do wear out the advil bottle and after a couple beers my back no longer hurts!!

I could go on forever but I wish you luck on yours! I can deal with the back pain but these damn hernia's are killing me....gotta get another one fixed this winter and then that should be it!! Inguenal hernia's are not cool.....:(:baby:


Active member
Sep 20, 2006
Wentzville Mo
most probably wont agree but a GOOD chiropractor can really help with the pain. my current chiropractor isnt as good as id like but he does help me maintain and is in my budget. my first chiropractor must have been a majician because he was able to get me in really good condition after a few months when I had my motorcycle accident.

I go once a week and also get deep massage therpy its helps me alot.


Active member
Sep 20, 2006
Wentzville Mo
If you find an answer let me know :rofl: I gave up on the pain killers , yes they help but at one point i still felt the pain but was just out of it enough to not care , it wasnt for me . every now and then it gets bad enough for me to get some from the doc but i dont like living life through " foggers " . So I just suck it up . My condition is no were near yours though ( bad disc for me ) I can say when i stopped wrenching for a living it got a bit better since i know have a desk job :)

They repaired my right rotor cup last sept and the left side needs it also.I have from the c2 to the t1 screwed up and 4 or 5 pinched nervers.and also tore the trapsies from mid back. I get around 160 oxys a month 90 valume. 30 proxicams lidacam patchs and topamax and forecets.


Cut your ride, sissy!
Apr 12, 2008
Yoda....:rofl: You guys crack me up! Id prolly be like the out of place guy in movies in Yoga classes, making old man noises and farting:rofl: I could use a lil more flexability though.

Sorry to hear you other guy's misfortunes too:(

I wasnt to hard on my self when I was younger, i didnt try to be a human forklift or anything, but some things I did back then surely didnt help. The only injurys ive aquired may or may not have affects? When i was 10 or so, we bought a trailer for my Jr.Dragster and it was posta have a spring assisted rear door, like a garage door spring. Well i was excited to see it and opened the thing and got it open about 1ft and i knew somthing wasnt right, but it was too late, the ground was wet and my feet came out from me and this thing slammed me to the ground across my chest! I think i cracked a rib or two, and though thats why my ribs are forward/outward more on my left side but its the scoliosis. The only other event I think may have significance was my truck accident. I was t-boned in the RF of my old F-350 by an explorer doing 45-50mph here a few years ago. That may have cause my neck/disk issue or exacerbated it? Dunno? Ive done other minor things as a kid on quads and such but nothing significant.

The chemicals in these drugs is one reason I try to do without as much as i can. Theres pro's & con's to everything;)


Cut your ride, sissy!
Apr 12, 2008
I forgot to mention, my dad has back problems too. He was a firefighter for a while. He went on a rescue call where a woman weighing over 600lb had colapsed her basment staircase and they had to get her out. Well my dad was one of 6-7 guys on a rope pulling her up and he pop'ed 2 disks in his back. He's been with back trouble for 20+years. We both take the same oxycodone. He has more of them to take, and more often. I only get 30 per month. But he also has type-2 diabetes that runs in his side of the family that i need to be mindful of.

As they say, like father, like son :eek:


Active member
Feb 25, 2008
Upstate N.Y
Hey man, some real good advice in this thread already:thumb: I herniated a disk (L3 I believe) when I was 20. Back when I raced motocross competivetly I came up short on a double and cased hard. Anyways After Physical therapy, chiropracters, anti-anflamitory's, pain killers, etc.. etc.. I pretty much accepted my back was never going to feel good again. Now 11 years later I went back to the spine specialist and now have 3 herniated disks and arthritis:( The doctor recomended surgery but no gaurantee's it would help:rolleyes: I told him I have to think about it, but if I choose to get surgery it would have to be during my down season (Jan/FEB) As the owner/operator of a residential tree service I cant afford to be laid up for 2 months. Alright I will stop boring you with my back issues and give you my best advice, #1 The most important thing you can do is stay positive, your mind is the most powerfull tool in your whole body. If you do not keep a positive outlook on life and consume your day with negative thoughts you will never feel good again. The first doctor I went to 10 years ago said, your mind can keep you healthy or it can kill you. That did not mean a whole lot when he said it to me, but if you put some thought into it, he's right on!! # 2 stay healthy, I can't preach eating healthy, because I don't, but regular exercise and stretching is a must!! Thats really the only benefit I see with physical therapy, you go and they make you stretch and exercise when typically you would put it off because you are already in pain. #3 get off the pain meds, The anti-inflamatory's do help, but the OXY's and such just mask the pain and do nothing to rectify the situation. Also going back to the mental aspect, your brain tells your body you need these pills to function and you develope a dependency, then your back will start to hurt because your brain is telling your body you need these pills. (Hope that made sense?) Do yourself a favor and try stretching for atleast 10min twice a day, more if possible. I stretch when I wake up, before bed, and occasionally during the day if I have time. I would bet money if you used proper stretching techniques and did this for 2 weeks you will notice an improvement. Leaning over a car hood with a bad back is really harsh on your back (AS I KNOW YOU ARE AWARE OF), your muscles are tight and you are often yanking and pulling at wierd angles its a perfect scenario to pull muscles and agrevate nerves near you disks. If you stretch and use the anti-inflamatory's you will be alot less prone to injury and discomfort. Last thing I will suggest is a good nights sleep, even if you need sleep aids, and or a pain killer make sure you get atleast 6hrs of continues sleep, preferably 8hrs but I can't sleep that long. Hope that made sense and help's perhaps, good luck man.

P.S. I still ride motocross, wake board, climb trees, etc, etc, it just takes time and effort to keep myself in shape, mentally and physically even though the pain never goes away I still do the things I love, and enjoy, hopefully you will be able to soon aswell:hug:


Cut your ride, sissy!
Apr 12, 2008
Hey, thanks for the info! Right on! I catch what your sayin! Makes perfect sense! The mind can play games with us! Kinda like a placebo effect in a round-a-bout way. I actually felt decent today when i got up, and managed to make it through the day without any oxy or anyother pain relivers:thumb: Granted I didnt work to hard but Ill take my victorys anyway i can get em!:D

My take on surgery:
I have done a bit of reading on surgery, just in case for down the road;) I think a good start to about anything is beeing well informed! I checked it out a while ago to see what its about. But I completely understand why one would be hesitant on back surgery. Like you said, theres no garentee's on the outcome. Ive read up on disk replacments, fusions, all that stuff. I never really liked the fusion idea. Im fairly tall 6'1" and not real bendy and a fusion would make that worse. And the rest of the disks must take the load of the missing one and with DDD, thats asking for trouble IMO. Plus, fusion has the longest recovery time, specialy if they do a bone graft. Like you said, time out of action is a problem. Now disk replacment looks like a better option. Ive read of people feeling brand new and walking the same day as a disk replacment. Also read people feeling as bad or worse and a few near deaths! Read of these artificial disks wearing out too. A big concern that i see is that alot of the people that have had problems are malpractice cases. I saw an alarming amount of malpractice! So I'll leave that bridge alone till i come to it, and if i have to cross it.

More days like to day, and I might go screw with the truck this weekend:thumb:
I really need to go buck some firewood so i can work in the shop this winter, i'll get help for that one though:D

Burn Down

Sep 14, 2008
Boise Idaho
Racing motocross & Snowmachines did mine in, compressed disk's & broken back. Give your back time to heal then start stretching it out. Exrecise & staying active are the best for me (sitting on the couch all weekend hurts). Make sure if you go to a Chiro that he takes x-rays before he or she tries to adjust you, the good ones won't touch you until they have film on you.
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Cut your ride, sissy!
Apr 12, 2008
Thanks! Im kinda the same way, dosnt matter what it is im doing, i cant stay in the same position for long. Even just standing around will start it up.

Thanks for the chiro/xray tip too:thumb: