sounds like she is lighting good Ed. My wife and yours must have taken the same video taking classes:rofl:
Sounds good. I like how Duramaxes vary in sound so much now. You still planning on Washington Court House this weekend?
sounds like she is lighting good Ed. My wife and yours must have taken the same video taking classes:rofl:
Both, we broke a stocker on the sled Friday before it moved. Got the sled going in 3wd and wouldn't light. Decided to buy two new CVs from Advanced and put them in. Hooked to a truck/trailer to provide resistance and immediately broke one cleanly and then the other with very little boost. The truck hadn't even moved on any of these breaks.
We're down a little on power now I'm sure since we're downsizing the turbo and we went back to stock sticks (for now - wanted to ensure we fixed the fuel problem). Probably swap them back this winter.
It's on a trailer and will be headed for Fleece tomorrow to see what we can figure out. Johnboy, Brayden and I talked that maybe we proportion the brakes more to the back wheels to hold it so to lighten the stress on the front??
Appreciate the support. We've made it a long way but we still can't seem to get over the hump with it. I haven't pulled since last Sept. If I can't hook either day at Scheids I will be a drunken mess. Tony is hooking Friday if we get it going and then I get my chance Sat if he doesn't get in.
I think it will light. I wasn't even pushing through the brakes yet. I was a little skirt with it on most launches since we had the pile of CVs last year. None with a second gear launch though.
Are those Advanced CV's a lifetime warranty part? :rofl:
Good luck
yall plan on selling that charger when your done? I have a buddy that needs one for a small charger
Maybe I missed it but are you still running the 10.5" rear end? Or did you up it to an 80 or a 11.5"?
Still 10.5 - I have a line on an 8.1 dually rear end but haven't gotten a firm price on it yet.
Good luck Ed! Those dirt 60' times were pretty impressive!
Do you use the stock compressor cover and exhaust housings and machine them out or do you get differant covers and housings? I know this turbo has a T4 but I am talking in general.