Post Whores

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New member
Mar 2, 2008
so cal
So I am sitting in a Datavan, on a Frac Wellsite in Western Siberia,Russia right now. The russian frac supervisor smells like ass. I think he brushed his teeth with a fish. It's 8pm. It is snowing. I had to pay a guy in a 60's vintage aluminum boat that looked like it fell off the trailer going down the highway about 15 times through out it's life 1000rubles ($40US) for a 5min boat ride to get across a river to get to location. After standing in the -10C cold on the river bank for 30min, a KW Bedtruck came into view to give a ride a mile and a half to location.

I will not get to go home until the sun comes up because the boats don't run at night and neither do the barges or tugboats. There is no toilet here. There is no cafe or camp. There are ABSOLUTELY no women here. All I have is the clothes on my back, the food I brought in my backpack, and a fully charged cell phone to get internet access.

My life is awesome.

Pictures to come when I get a better link up-God knows when that will be.

sounds like a party where do i sighn up :D
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