I drilled the orifice not the fitting
Simon the LBZ is not like Abby. We don't have the fitting then a puck behind it in are rails that bets drilled think they stopped that early 04 onvtge last LB7 truck.
I drilled the orifice not the fitting
If your running the Ppe porter race fitting this is already done.
Ok, there is a block bolted to the valve cover. It has a 1/2" barb that the fuel line coming from the fuel filter goes to on the top and a 3/16" barb that the injector return hose hooks to on the bottom. Those are two separate passages in the block. The test fitting is obviously on the pipe that sticks up out of the top. On the opposite side of the block (toward the valley of the motor) is a 5/16" barb for the CP3 supply and another 5/16" barb that connects to the return lines that run through the valley.so i'm still kind of lost to where the other line goes to?? one to the cp3 the other????? and then the fuel return from the injectors. So is it worth open the lines up or can you even do it??
its not the race fitting its the ported fuel rail fitting. So do i need the race fitting or.........is there a fitting on the passenger side to drill.
Those are two separate passages in the block. On the opposite side of the block (toward the valley of the motor) is a 5/16" barb for the CP3 supply and another 5/16" barb that connects to the return lines that run through the valley.
Is this the fitting you have if so you have what everyone is porting there selfs.http://www.pacificp.com/store/index...id=114&zenid=270a9981afd198dd57eab9d7bbb08e76
yup thats the one. I also have the shim kit, and the CP3 fitting. So do i need the race valve??
those pics help alot!! thanks :thumb:
no issues with fuel. just wanted to get stuff in line for future upgrades, and some info to just help me out.
Here is were the fuel comes across from the driver side and the one with the fuel line hanging is the one that would be coming from the filter to the cp3.little line is the injector return line.Brass with black cap is test port.
This is the fuel lines crossing over from the back of the driver side that supplies the fuel filter.