Pipeline problems on east coast again


<<<Future tuna killer
May 29, 2011
At Da Beach
High price of fuel destroys the marine industry. Docks, boats, coastal building, dredging of waterways, boat building, insurance, marinas, boat yards, etc all freeze in place. Expensive fuel is not good for our country. Sorry, high fuel prices do not put money in my pocket at all...:mad:


Well-known member
Nov 30, 2006
Lawrenceburg, KY
I respectfully disagree with you Mitch.:hug: Tens of millions is easy to see, IMO.

You just think about it for a moment, and take the actual rig hands out of the equation.

The supply business for the oilfield alone is greatly affected, This includes the people that bring water to the rigs, supply food, have a corner gas station that no longer has 100s of people stopping at every day. It effect Mary's sewing shop that fixed coveralls for workers. It effect Bob's burgers shop. Tim's Tire shop because he isn't replacing tires as often. Then he has to let go 3 mechanics because business is slow. Doug is going out on Fridays anymore because of the crunch, Now the local pub lets go of 2 workers. Sheila isn't buying her new shoes now. And Russ isn't buying his new quad. Peter isn't buying that new deep fryer for his restaurant, Doug isn't building that new home. The mill is met its quota because less houses are being built. Henry isn't selling his new cars, and looses his job. Steve isn't going on that trip to Vegas, now the stripper doesn't get her usual tips, and doesn't by that Louis Viton purse. The hotels are not full, the maids are let go. On and on and on.........

You see, its a ripple affect;):( And its world wide! I am unfortunate to see it, Ive taken a 40% pay cut.......And all I here from management is " your fortunate to be working" Yes, I am but ive been working oil and gas for 20 years, my experience isn't less, So why am I getting less money? Simple Supply and demand:(

Trickle effect I totally get. But that is not the same as tens of millions of jobs directly in that field. For goodness sakes, theres less than 400million ppl in this country. Less than half of which are in the work force. Y'all are trying to tell me the oil industry DIRECTLY makes up 20% (that'd be roughly 20M which is as low as "tens of millions" can be) of the jobs? I'm just not buying it.

I also understand you all in the industry, or whose job ties to it very closely, making the comments you all make. It does directly effect you all. I get it. But I think it adversely effects more ppl than it helps.

clearly, its an important part of everyone's life. Its just a matter of which side you're on as to how much you're effected by it.


Jan 6, 2016
they dont even need to be that! i have ranged ads from 12 bucks an hour to 20 bucks an hour to see what kind of people we can get. they come in, work a half day to 2 weeks and are gone. its a repetitious job that involves actual work on your end. been looking for a quality guy for 2 months now and cant get squat.

James, I open our store every morning at 6 and work until my wife gets ready and gets the kids ready (she keeps them both in the day while running the store) then come here to the machine shop and work 8 hours a day. I work in the store on Saturdays and talk to several people who are looking for help as well in different fields. One guy told me the other day he said I think I figured it out, "MOST people that want to work they already have a job". It makes sense and notice he said MOST, I know there are people out there that have been laid off and looking for jobs, don't take it the wrong way. Most everybody I know either has a job and works hard or doesn't have a job and is a moocher whether it be from their parents (who are enablers) or the government.


don't know sh!t about IFS
Staff member
Oct 21, 2009
Phoenix Az
James, I open our store every morning at 6 and work until my wife gets ready and gets the kids ready (she keeps them both in the day while running the store) then come here to the machine shop and work 8 hours a day. I work in the store on Saturdays and talk to several people who are looking for help as well in different fields. One guy told me the other day he said I think I figured it out, "MOST people that want to work they already have a job". It makes sense and notice he said MOST, I know there are people out there that have been laid off and looking for jobs, don't take it the wrong way. Most everybody I know either has a job and works hard or doesn't have a job and is a moocher whether it be from their parents (who are enablers) or the government.

oh i totally agree. thats why ive looked at the alternative and streamlined things. we still have the ad up but we are being much more picky about who stays and we are doing a "one hour work test" setup for interviews. thats been working well

Pure Diesel

Active member
Apr 22, 2008
Ventura County
Well from what I'm reading gasoline should be the only thing with a gouge price increase. They say its pipeline #1, which carries gasoline that was damaged. Pipeline #2 carries Diesel. Feel for you people and now you know how we feel here on the west coast. The Exxon/Mobil in Torrance, which has since been sold, is still off line from the explosion last year. Their still trying to get it up and running. They said that if and when it goes back online the price would only drop about 10-15 cents a gallon. But when it exploded prices went up 30-40 cents. Figure that one out. Dam thieves.


Jan 6, 2016
We were able to get gas and diesel yesterday afternoon delivered to our store, today our price was only up $.06 from what it was yesterday. Now the only thing is when we need another delivery in a day or two will we be able to get it?


Well-known member
Jun 23, 2009
TX of course
High price of fuel destroys the marine industry. Docks, boats, coastal building, dredging of waterways, boat building, insurance, marinas, boat yards, etc all freeze in place. Expensive fuel is not good for our country. Sorry, high fuel prices do not put money in my pocket at all...:mad:

Maybe in your area but here that's not the case so much. I've don't a lot of work for a ship builder. They had a contract to build 150ish barges. When fuel prices tanked that contract did too.

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Well-known member
Jun 23, 2009
TX of course
Well from what I'm reading gasoline should be the only thing with a gouge price increase. They say its pipeline #1, which carries gasoline that was damaged. Pipeline #2 carries Diesel. Feel for you people and now you know how we feel here on the west coast. The Exxon/Mobil in Torrance, which has since been sold, is still off line from the explosion last year. Their still trying to get it up and running. They said that if and when it goes back online the price would only drop about 10-15 cents a gallon. But when it exploded prices went up 30-40 cents. Figure that one out. Dam thieves.

Who are the thieves? Exxxon? They don't set the price of gas the market does.

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don't know sh!t about IFS
Staff member
Oct 21, 2009
Phoenix Az
Who are the thieves? Exxxon? They don't set the price of gas the market does.

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the media does. they put the fear into people and next thing you know, people are trying to fill everything they can :roflmao:


Well-known member
Jun 23, 2009
TX of course
Bull. You can't tell me they have no say in anyway of the manipulation of prices.

Ya they probably do set the price at there Evil Oil Company Associations meetings... ;)

Sure they can set there price at whatever they want. They can't force you to buy it though. You can't really think that all the oil companies are in cahoots in driving up the cost of oil. Then why did they increase production so much a few years ago effectively driving the price down the what it is now. Exxon don't really care they still make money on $40 a barrel of oil due to there up stream and down stream operations. It's companies like BP that of been laying off people left and right that need it back up.

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